The Ogre
New member
I had a potentially deadly accident at work the other day as a result of being over tired from my training. Shortly after I recieved a layoff. It was there way of removing a high risk employee.
Until now I have been earning $46 an hour which would cover what I injest monthly.
Roughly $1000 in food, $700 in supps and $250 in drugs.
I have been on EI for the last couple months and now I am working for $20 an hour.
My current income will barely pay for the roof that is over my head.
I now have no money for supps and my diet has switched to 100% brown rice and ground beef. Pretty much as cheap as I can possibly go. Regardless I'm so broke that I can't afford the amount of calories I need to grow. Im not starving, but I'm definately not getting what I need and I am losing weight.
My lifts are suffering more and more every week.
Bench: 7 reps at 315 to barely a single
Dead: 6 reps at 585 to 2 at 495
Squat: 5 reps at 405 to 2 at 365
Bottom line I'm hugely catabolic and losing size and strength with every workout. It is the most depressing thing ever, and it seems like I've lost a couple of years worth of lifting in just a couple months.
Is there any point in me training through this even though I lack the necessary tools to maintain? or should I just sit on my ass and conserve as many calories as possible, until work picks up again?
I am very discouraged at the moment and could really use some sound advice.
Thanks, The Ogre
Until now I have been earning $46 an hour which would cover what I injest monthly.
Roughly $1000 in food, $700 in supps and $250 in drugs.
I have been on EI for the last couple months and now I am working for $20 an hour.
My current income will barely pay for the roof that is over my head.
I now have no money for supps and my diet has switched to 100% brown rice and ground beef. Pretty much as cheap as I can possibly go. Regardless I'm so broke that I can't afford the amount of calories I need to grow. Im not starving, but I'm definately not getting what I need and I am losing weight.
My lifts are suffering more and more every week.
Bench: 7 reps at 315 to barely a single
Dead: 6 reps at 585 to 2 at 495
Squat: 5 reps at 405 to 2 at 365
Bottom line I'm hugely catabolic and losing size and strength with every workout. It is the most depressing thing ever, and it seems like I've lost a couple of years worth of lifting in just a couple months.
Is there any point in me training through this even though I lack the necessary tools to maintain? or should I just sit on my ass and conserve as many calories as possible, until work picks up again?
I am very discouraged at the moment and could really use some sound advice.
Thanks, The Ogre