Should I train through catabolism?

The Ogre

New member
I had a potentially deadly accident at work the other day as a result of being over tired from my training. Shortly after I recieved a layoff. It was there way of removing a high risk employee.

Until now I have been earning $46 an hour which would cover what I injest monthly.

Roughly $1000 in food, $700 in supps and $250 in drugs.

I have been on EI for the last couple months and now I am working for $20 an hour.

My current income will barely pay for the roof that is over my head.

I now have no money for supps and my diet has switched to 100% brown rice and ground beef. Pretty much as cheap as I can possibly go. Regardless I'm so broke that I can't afford the amount of calories I need to grow. Im not starving, but I'm definately not getting what I need and I am losing weight.

My lifts are suffering more and more every week.

Bench: 7 reps at 315 to barely a single
Dead: 6 reps at 585 to 2 at 495
Squat: 5 reps at 405 to 2 at 365

Bottom line I'm hugely catabolic and losing size and strength with every workout. It is the most depressing thing ever, and it seems like I've lost a couple of years worth of lifting in just a couple months.

Is there any point in me training through this even though I lack the necessary tools to maintain? or should I just sit on my ass and conserve as many calories as possible, until work picks up again?

I am very discouraged at the moment and could really use some sound advice.

Thanks, The Ogre
$700 in supps and $250 in drugs? WTF were you taking and how much? Sounds like other issues need to be addressed Ogre.
$700 in supps and $250 in drugs? WTF were you taking and how much? Sounds like other issues need to be addressed Ogre.

$250 in weight gainer protein (Mutant Mass)
$100 glutamine
$100 vits and oils
$50-100 aminos
$140 pre/post workout creatine miracle bullshit blend (NOexplode/Cell Mass)

3 month cycle cost me $750 in TNT, arimidex, clom, nolva and HCG.
So $250 month drugs.

was taking 500 test e, 300 tren e per week
$250 in weight gainer protein (Mutant Mass)waste of money. eat real food
$100 glutaminefood provides this. waste of money
$100 vits and oilswhat vitamins cost $100. and what OILS?
$50-100 aminosreal food provides this. waste of money
$140 pre/post workout creatine miracle bullshit blend (NOexplode/Cell Mass)drink coffee or green tea. waste of money

3 month cycle cost me $750 in TNT, arimidex, clom, nolva and HCG.
So $250 month drugs.

was taking 500 test e, 300 tren e per week

i can understand the AAS costing money. but you shouldn't be wasting that much cash on all that dumb shit. FOOD is ur friend and much cheaper. There's a reason we say all those shakes and shit are a waste of time if you don't eat WHOLE FOODS.

seriously dude, you could be saving a fortune every month. Thats almost a mortgage payment. lol

now that we covered that. Are you still on cycle? If not, are you in post cycle therapy (pct) or have you done a post cycle therapy (pct)?

Either way, catabolism won't last forever if you do a proper post cycle therapy (pct), nor will it be much of a problem if you eat enough calories each day... of real food.

stop wasting your hard earned money and eat, train and rest. Your mind is fucking with you. Stay off the scale also. they are not good.