Similar or Equivalents to banned superdrol clones?


New member
Sorry for the back to back PH posts, but I feel like me finding legit M-Drol, Methastadrol, or Beastdrol is slim to none. So I need to consider an alternative PH. What is the next best one that will result in almost identical gains that superdrol/clones gave. Or maybe pm some safe suppliers of methandrostenolone (which is the oral superdrol steroid i believe). Thank you.
The two that come to mind that give similar results are (to my knowledge and understanding):

1. Dimethazine (DMZ) - Essentially two SD molecules with an azine bridge. Results are similar, but it's one of those DS that are very "user-specific" in that reviews are mixed. You have some who get nearly the same results as SD, and some who don't get anything (although I believe the latter was just not eating enough). In terms of hepatoxicity, it's pretty much like SD so doses are low (seen max dose being 45mg/ED) as well as cycles not running longer than 4 weeks.

2. Epistane (Epi) - Not exactly a DS that will pack on 30lb.+, but it's one that is pretty potent. It's normally used for cutting, but there are some logs out there with users bulking with Epistane. Generally 10-13lb. (with diet) is the norm and doses are around the 20-40mg range. Doesn't aromatise so you'll be better off with Epi if you're gyno prone.

The only two that I could think of at the moment that are as 'potent' as SD. I haven't used SD, but my dad just got off his first SD solo cycle 2 weeks ago and he went from 176lb. to 189lb. with a not-so-bulking diet. Luckily, I still have 2 bottles of the LGI brand. :D
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yeah, was looking there geared up. and Kravi, had my eye on Super - DMZ 2.0 for a while but nothing was for sure until I knew it could result in very similar gains. These reviews look promising but do you know about it at all?
Epi is probably the best bet for great gains. Although with prohormones you really need to stack them to see really good gaines. My first stack was halodrol and trenazone and I gained about 12lbs on that stack-kept about 8 after post cycle therapy (pct). Keep in mind I also used Purple Wrath, DHEA, glutamine powder and a protein shake. I also doubled the dose of trenazone.

I did the same on my next cycle, but added the epi and doubled the halodrol. I also added amino acid tabs to my stack.
Best shape I've been in my life! Strength was great and I gained about another 8 lbs and I started this 4 months after my previous cycle. I think I could have gained more but I was also doing alot of grappling training at the time which took ALOT out of me. Had I just been lifting I feel I could have gained even more. Keep mind though my diet was not very clean-I ate good, but just lots of it. Pizza and fried chicken are my 2 favorite foods so my all of my gains were not exactly "lean" lol.

I never got to the superdrol as it got banned before I could get my hands on some. I had pretty much made up my mind I was going to try the real thing anyway because of the cost. Ph's with a good post cycle therapy (pct) and cycle support actually cost more than real gear. Although, legal wise they are safer and much easier to purchase. Not to mention they are harsh on the liver.
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yeah, Kravi, I had my eye on Super-DMZ Rx 2.0 for a while now. Thinking about giving it ago. I read some pretty good testimonials and logs from it. Any of you guys heard or had any experience with it? And Fitnessgeek, I had a test cycle set up, but the risk of getting caught just wasn't worth it as I only could buy from online suppliers.
SD is very toxic. Should of been banned years ago

I'd opt for something like helladrol

10x easier on your body and u will still make great gains. Ez post cycle therapy (pct) and Ez side effects.
yeah, Kravi, I had my eye on Super-DMZ Rx 2.0 for a while now. Thinking about giving it ago. I read some pretty good testimonials and logs from it. Any of you guys heard or had any experience with it? And Fitnessgeek, I had a test cycle set up, but the risk of getting caught just wasn't worth it as I only could buy from online suppliers.

I feel you on the risk. One of the reasons why I havent bought on line yet. I think thats another reason why ph's are so exspensive-cause they're legal.