Product Specs: gk prohormone's Dianabulk


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DianaBulk will be up for sale Tonight Saturday Night at your favorite supplement store:


The last legal wet bulking formula.​

DianaBulk was designed as the very last of the still-legal BULKING cycles. It is a full cycle of the very best combination of “wet” bulking agents, along with some “lean gain” hormones to solidify gains, as well as Anti-Estrogen and Prolactin-Control properties built in.

When guys at the gym say “Wet Bulking” they are referring to the ages old practice of running a Bulking Cycle using mostly “Wet” Steroids like Dianabol, Anadrol, Deca Durabolin, high amounts of Testosterone, and other “wet” compounds alike. The goal is to gain sheer mass and size, some guys gaining as much as 15lbs in less than 2 weeks, and then later run a cutting cycle to get rid off the excess water and fat, to get shredded and lean.

Over the years guys have gone more to a “lean bulking” concept, of just slowly gaining lean mass so they never have to cut down and diet too much. But still, some guys just have a hard time gaining mass, or they just want to get freakishly huge, to cut down later shredded later. More specifically, going on a good bulking cycle to gain as much mass as absolutely possible mean gaining both water and muscle, along with some fat too. But many guys feel it is the increase in water retention that helps fuel the incredible gains in strength that every guy experiences during his bulking cycle. This same incredible increase in strength is what many guys attribute the increased muscle growth. You see, when you gain lean mass, the strength grown gradually with the muscle, but during a bulking cycle, the strength shoots through the roof the first week when the initial water retention starts. By week two you are already stronger and thus can push heavier loads during subsequent workouts thus increasing muscle mass in the process.

DianaBulk combines the very best known ProHormones agents for “Wet Bulking” - In order for the water retention to not get out of control, a good serving of 6-Bromo is added in for Estrogen control.


- Mammoth Mass and Size
- Built in Estrogen and Prolactin Control
- Alpha Male Aggression and Intensity
- Huge Power and Strength
- BIO-SORB (Absorption and Time Released Matrix)

Supplement Facts: 1 PER CAPSULE PROFILE
DianaBulk- 60CAPS


DYMETHAZINE is made up of two Superdrol(Beastdrol/M-Drol) molecules bound by a Nitrogen atom that breaks away during digestion letting lose two(2) Superdrol/Beastdrol/M-Drol molecules in your system. It is actually known to be much lighter on side-effects than the world-famous Superdrol or other clones like Beastdrol and M-Drol. Dymethazine was at one point a Doctor prescribed Steroid for therapy in the 1960's. YOU COULD SPEND AS MUCH AS $59 BUYING DYMETHAZINE IN IT'S OWN BOTTLED.


One of the very few “Wet” bulking products still left on the on the over the counter market M1,4ADD (Methyl-1,4 androstenediol) is used in Bulking cycles that are typically 4 to 6 weeks average in length. M1,4ADD is known to have some potential conversion to Dianabol (methandrostenolone) – Most science figures putting the estimated conversion to Dianabol at around 15%, even without taking into account it's ability to transform to Dianabol: M1,4ADD is a very potent anabolic of it’s own right. YOU COULD SPEND AS MUCH AS $47 BUYING M1,4ADD IN IT'S OWN BOTTLED.


This is a very new ProHormone to the market, it has many of the same effects of a “Wet” bulker, with much strength and size. It has been known to have progestational activity, which has been considered to be on par with that Nandrolone. This means muscle built with this ProH stacked in your cycle, gives the Bodybuilder muscle hardening effects. YOU COULD SPEND AS MUCH AS $45 BUYING THIS ProHormone ON IT'S OWN BOTTLED.

-Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione- 15mgs

Chemicaly enhanced Bodybuilders and Athletes across the world whom were searching for an over the counter alternative to Trenbolone, found the effects they were looking for in this new designer supplement. Athletes and Bodybuilders across the world who used this product were convinced of its effectiveness and likeness to Trenbolone usage from the first week. Some experts seem to think that once in the system, the conversion rate of TRENAVAR is around 20-30% into active Trenobolone. YOU COULD SPEND AS MUCH AS $52 BUYING THIS trenavar ON IT'S OWN BOTTLED.

-4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-4-en-17ß-ol-3-one- 25mgs

A close structural relative of Testosterone and Methyl-Testosterone, although in comparison to Methyl-Testosterone, this compound would be more anabolic due to the addition of the 4-chloro. This ProHormone gives users results from the first couple of weeks and is a great way to jump start a cycle stack early, while the user waits for some of the other hormones to start delivering results. A great products to stack with hormones that have progestational activity like the other one in DianaBulk. YOU COULD SPEND AS MUCH AS $47 BUYING THIS MTHYLCLOSTERBOL ON IT'S OWN BOTTLED.



6-Bromo binds to the Aromatase enzyme making impossible for this Enzyme to do it's job. 6-Bromo acts by attaching to the Aromataze enzyme and rendering it unable to convert androgens(male hormones) into to estrogens(girly hormones). 6-Bromo is avery fast acting competitive inhibitor of the Aromatase enzyme. In the DianaBulk formula this ingredient is a safety mechanism to make sure Estrogen never gets too high enough concentrations where it causes any bad side-effects like Gyno. YOU COULD SPEND AS MUCH AS $37 BUYING 6-BROMO ON IT'S OWN BOTTLED.


This is the main ingredient in L-Dopa that has been shown to decrease prolacting very effectively. In the DianaBulk mix, this ingredient helps to mitigate any possible side-effects from levels of Prolactin raising during cycle. YOU COULD SPEND AS MUCH AS $22 BUYING L-DOPA ON IT'S OWN BOTTLED.


BIO-SORB - Ingredient is Carbopol- This is an agent meant to make absorption of these powerful hormones time release, this way you can take one capsule every 12hrs and not worry about spikes in your levels. This is a polymer that binds to the ProHormones and other substances in the capsule. This polymer turns to a gel-like suspension once the stomach acids hit it, making the CARBOPOL react by surronding the ProHormones in a protective coating thus allowing them to survive the stomach. CARBOPOL also gives the anabolic hormones in DianaBulk a slower release time thus allowing for your body to use the anabolic hormones more efficiently than ever making them nearly 100% bioavailable and this mean less pills are needed to achieve max results. THIS INGREDIENT IS PRICELESS TO THE FORMULA IN DianaBulk.

Buy DianaBulk today by clicking here: DianaBulk

I have never seen anything quite like this. A crazy blend of PH's in an all-in-one product that even has estrogen and prolactin control in it too. What more do you need?
I have never seen anything quite like this. A crazy blend of PH's in an all-in-one product that even has estrogen and prolactin control in it too. What more do you need?

Tbh, just looking at what they chose for the ingredients, this may work even better than dbol
There is a wicked blend of PH's in this bad boy.. If you are looking to get your bulk on.. this is the one. Its actually perfect right now being the winter time frame to bulk up and then start cutting in the spring. Solid solid stuff here.
I want to see results. I know they will be quite better than anything else like it, the real question will be how much better.

The previous blends u saw never had the right amounts of X & Y ph so seeing something that makes sense will be a totally different game.
I want to see results. I know they will be quite better than anything else like it, the real question will be how much better.

The previous blends u saw never had the right amounts of X & Y ph so seeing something that makes sense will be a totally different game.

Yeah your right about that. The doses are good and the combo is off the chain.
Any cycle logs of Dianabulk? I'm interested to see how people ran it, at what dosage and what support and pct they ran. I'm also curious as to gains made and % kept after. Anyone with info please post!
Thank you.
Any cycle logs of Dianabulk? I'm interested to see how people ran it, at what dosage and what support and pct they ran. I'm also curious as to gains made and % kept after. Anyone with info please post!
Thank you.

There are quite a few logs on this on some of the other forums. Do a google search for it.
All those PHs in one capsule kind of makes me back off. Seems terrible for your liver. What's a regular cycle of this product look like?
All those PHs in one capsule kind of makes me back off. Seems terrible for your liver. What's a regular cycle of this product look like?

I wouldn't say any harsher than other orals. I would personally use it as a kickstart such as below...

Wk 1-4 Dianabulk 2 caps ED
Wk 1-12 Test Enth 250mg twice a wk
Wk 1-17 Aromasin 12.5 EOD
Wk 1-12 N2Guard
Wk 1-12 HCG 250iu twice a wk
Wk 14-17 Clomid 50mg ED
Wk 14-17 HCGenerate ES ED
Contemplating this for my next cycle.
Got any links to logs I could read?

Also, how about 4 weeks of LGD, followed by 6 weeks of this stuff?
Contemplating this for my next cycle.
Got any links to logs I could read?

Also, how about 4 weeks of LGD, followed by 6 weeks of this stuff?

I don't think I am supposed to link any other forums on here but you can google it and I'm sure some of them will come up.
Money isn't an issue.

Psizzle advised against stacking Osta and LGD when I brought it up in the past...