Skinny Novice Looking For Cycle Advice!


New member
Hey All!

Looking for some help here. I completed one cycle about 2 1/2 years ago and saw some small gains. Based on what I remember and what I've been reading up on, I was taking little to nothing! But I liked what I was saw and wanna go again.

I'm wanting to start another cycle and really see some kick ass results this time.

155lbs (on a good day)

I'm thinking sustanon, dianabol and clomid.

I welcome any and all suggestions for a cycle regimen and/or alternate products.

Thanks in advance!
well youve come to the right place for info. However im no AAS expert, but these bros that are, are going to want your stats on eating habits. Your diet is a HUGE part of gaining.

More info needed, like what are you wanting out of it? Bulk?

If looking to bulk, i would say since your close to my stats, what i will be doing for my first cycle is

1-10 Test E 500mg/wk
1-4 (maybe 5)Dbol 50mg/ed

And ofc post cycle therapy (pct) Nolva/Clomid

But im not expert, and ive been reading for a long time before I joined any boards, and I can say my cycle isnt perfect for beginners.. A lot of people say you should only try 1 AAS for your first cycle instead of stacking just incase your body doesnt react properly to it, than your not stuck guessing at which one. But, thats what I feel I can make the biggest bulk gains from and thats what I will be doing. :p

Biggest thing I can tell you, safely and know I am not wrong on is this::: RESEARCH/READ/RESEARCH/READ 24/7!! Cannot simply learn enough man!