SLIN and Fat Intake


New member
Ive always heard that when injecting slin PWO one must avoid all fats in PWO shake and that one must eat very low fat for the following four hours. Recently on another board however someone said that if you ingest fat PWO that it will only digest after the insulin wears off, im a little weary of this claim so i plan on trying to avoid as much fat as possible, problem is my PWO shake contains some fat and im wondering how many grams is too much. Please tell me if my meals are ok since im worried about the fat intake, especially on the PWO shake(six grams comes from the chocomilk, so i could give that up, but damn do i love my chocomilk PWO)

I gonna take 6IU's of slin post workout
PWO Shake-- (Carbs=60/Pro=60 /Fat=7-9g)
2 Scoops Whey, Banana, Chocolate milk

PWO MEAL-- (Carb=50 /Pro=60 /Fat=6-8g)
rice and chicken or bread/egg whites/ham

My diet/slin dosage is on key pretty well and im about 8%bf, but im bulking right now and dont wanna gain too much fat
Insulin acts to shuttle carbohydrates and fats into the cells where they will either be stored or, used to replace lost muscle glycogen (only carbohydrates will be converted to glycogen).

It's your call to include fats in your PWO but them's the breaks. The insulin will also be active in your system for about an hour or two after you take it. This is why your PWO must be dialed in/you must be very careful with the fats/protein/carbs ratio while on Insulin.
High carb low fat is what you want. If you could go zero fat that's great but you will likely have to have some fat so I think your ratios look fine.

Slin will move the fat just as fast so don't be fooled and that's why many guys get fat on insulin because they use it with a shitty diet. Start with minimum 10g carbs per iu slin as a safe guard and you can adjust based on how you feel. Keep some glucose tabs on hand at all times, meaning every where you go just in case.

So don't be worried about a small amount of fat but BK is not what you want as a pwo meal after slin. Lol. It wont discriminate so don't get to worried about fats but be smart and have low amounts of good fats and keep protien high.

Stats? Any specific reason you are using slin? IMO no need for a guy not competing and not even needed really then. Just keep in mind risk VS reward.
High carb low fat is what you want. If you could go zero fat that's great but you will likely have to have some fat so I think your ratios look fine.

Slin will move the fat just as fast so don't be fooled and that's why many guys get fat on insulin because they use it with a shitty diet. Start with minimum 10g carbs per iu slin as a safe guard and you can adjust based on how you feel. Keep some glucose tabs on hand at all times, meaning every where you go just in case.

So don't be worried about a small amount of fat but BK is not what you want as a pwo meal after slin. Lol. It wont discriminate so don't get to worried about fats but be smart and have low amounts of good fats and keep protien high.

Stats? Any specific reason you are using slin? IMO no need for a guy not competing and not even needed really then. Just keep in mind risk VS reward.

Well im running it because my workout partner is on it, he's having great results. He's also a dermatologist and is very intelligent and i trust him. I know quite a bit about slin, and i carry my partners glucose tablets during workout to make things safe, he will do the same when im on it so i feel pretty safe with an experienced user by my side
Ok. Just be smart with it and I hope you are not just using slin? I can't see the point w/o AAS. I don't have any idea of your experience etc so I'll just leave it as is.
Im on test/tren with it. I also heard that it was good for using during post cycle therapy (pct), since it's anti-catabolic and helps with recovery. Any truth to this?

Also what do you think about doing this-- shooting 10iu humalog intra-workout lets say 30 mins before finshing workout then drinking carb shake during those 30 mins and immediately after working out pounding a protein shake, walking home and by about an hour and a half after shooting eating my first solid meal,

a ology user recommended doing this since he says he feels the slin helps him with the end of his workout and give him good pumps, as well as the slin peaking while pounding your pro shake. i have been using slin the last week and am very comfortable with knowing the hypo signs, and i have a a trusting partner to watch out for me.