So my Dbols working! First cycle :) :) :) : )


New member
Yo so im on day 5 of a test cyp & dbol cycle and today my dbol kicked in :) , i was getting worried for a while there but i stepped onto the scales this morning and i was up 5.1/2Lb, i was on rest day yesterday as i was ripped up from the last 4 days training but woke up this morning with surprisingly not a ache r pain, it was shoulders this morning and boom man the energy and pump was through the roof, defiantly one of the best workouts in a long time, i only had an hour today to get though my lifts but it felt as if could of stayed in there all day what a high!

so far the only sides i can put my finger on is im feeling more tired though the day and also every time i go to do something i start sweating, maybe nothing?

Test cyp250 2/W
Dbol 30mg E/D
Awesome Acaboosy! How's your diet looking like?

im eating around 3000 to 3500cals a day, trying to eat clean but at the same time just getting as much into me as i can, one thing that i am struggling with is red meat ive just never been to big of a fan of it, i eat a lot white meat and sea food so i can get good sources of protein else where.

Note to self: running low on whey must order some tomorrow!
You running EP dbol Boosy? If you have decent stuff you should consider bumping it up to 40-50mg/ED. Just seems like a waste to run it that low unless its ridiculously potent
You running EP dbol Boosy? If you have decent stuff you should consider bumping it up to 40-50mg/ED. Just seems like a waste to run it that low unless its ridiculously potent

All the gear I'm running is from IsIs pharmaceutical and yes sorry I have bumped the dosage up to 40mg ED from the 10th day today been the 12th day of cycle.
rest day today, yesterday was back n lats, felt like a good workout, in the zone and endurance was defiantly up, only thing is the pump in my arms is just taking over any muscle im trying to isolate, there feel as if there just going burst but never the less i aint complaining. :)
DAY 18
so far up 8lb and everything seems to be going well, no side effects as of yet, strength seems to be increasing nicely getting a few extra big reps out, Yesterday was chest and biceps and i hit hard getting some low/high rep killer sets in and some bigger lifts too, this morning i couldn't feel anything in the chest r arms no aches at all, its been like that the last couple workouts, maybe a good thing but its making me feel like im not working out hard enough! should i now be thinking about changing my training routine?
DAY 27

last day of dbol today! im still running the test cyp at 500mg p/w, im finishing the dbol 11lb heavier and with no side effects, so far im fairly happy with the cycle ive upped the weight on a few of my lifts and made a couple new personal bests only thing i would say is i cant really tell if theres much happening in the mirror im not sure if theres been that much of visual muscle change over the past 4weeks but never the less im pleased, now im only running the test can i expect my cycle to change much?

thanks for you replys guys
Awesome! Glad to see you liked the dbol (i'm thinking of adding it to my future cycle). How long is your cycle?
Awesome! Glad to see you liked the dbol (i'm thinking of adding it to my future cycle). How long is your cycle?

im runnig the test for 15weeks, the dbol was a good kick start to my cycle, i would recommend running it, i did begin to wish i had kind of kept it back for my second cycle tho, just on the bases of the questions i was asking my self on weather r not the dbol was doing certain things to me r the test.
week 6

so after finishing my dbol 2weeks ago ive gained 3lb from the test, im now going to up my cal intake another 400-500per day, everything in the gym seems to be going well, only little side i can notice is my nipples seem to harden up now and then, still injecting into my glutes been no problems there, so yea all is good.