Sodium Hydroxide- where can I get some


New member
Short of being put on a list for attempting to make GHB for inquiring about purchasing NaOh from a supply house, where can I purchase a product with sodium hydroxide in it?
RED DEVIL LYE- thank god for Google. Anyone have anything better though? Props to all you mad scientists.
Dude, NaOH is probably the second most common chemical next to water.. Nobody will suspect a thing.. But for god's sake, don't order it from one of those science places... go industry.
Andy13 said:
Dude, NaOH is probably the second most common chemical next to water.. Nobody will suspect a thing.. But for god's sake, don't order it from one of those science places... go industry.

PM me dude- looked all over the friggin place for that Red Devil stuff with no luck. I needs a good site.
Using a place like that is much safer than a science warehouse.

I am not going to look, but I would be willing to bet you could find NaOH on ebay right now.