solid short cycles

VJ said:
I like the idea of short cycles because I also hate being off.

But doing short cycles I would have to use Prop and that shit just cripples me ; I'd never try it again. I love Test E and Tren E but you can't do short cycles with them, can you ?

well its up for debate all ill say is i dont feel its ideal but it can be done and fairly effectively.....test is test afterall regardless of ester....the problem lies in delivery you need to inject 200-250mg ed-eod for 6-9 days to get a blood level equivalent of 100mg of prop ed.......
Nice thread Rock. If you are injecting Sustanon (sust) ed won't there still be test in your system for most of the way through pct?
fog said:
1-30 prop 100mg ed
1-30 Tren acetate 75mg eod
1-30 dbol 50mg ed.....

this is looking like what i'm going after next time. looks like a pretty cycle, yet i'd be a first time tren user. not to hijack your thread rockape but you think that a first timer with tren would be alright with 75mg eod?

for your first time id really suggest you just try tren 75mg eod and test prop 100mg ed......leave the dbol out till you no how you react to can be fairly harsh on some people.....but its the ideal drug for use in short cycles
DocJ said:
Very good I've said in many other short cycle threads, my only concern is the shortened time the nervous system has to acclimate to the increase in strength/muscle mass induced by the aas. I'm thinking we may be able to construct a training regimen that may be able to somewhat sidestep this potential problem. My thoughts are:
1. During the short cycle, concentrate on fiber recruitment and hypertrophy. e.g. keep reps in the 10-15 range with compound and isolation movements, and utilizing set extension techniques such as drop sets, tri-sets, pre-exhaust, rest-pause etc.
2. During the off phase, concentrate on improving nervous system adaptation to heavier weights. e.g. lower rep ranges 3-6 with basic compound movements, NOT training to failure and using multiple straight sets.

youve raised a very good training somewhat resembles the above format.....whilst on i do heavy negs drop sets etc but when off its just straight heavy a rec user and to be honest to evryone im still under my natural max........90% of the time i train natural i use these short cycles (and others) to break plateus in my weight progression....and whilst ive run these in the past up to 4 times a year ..this year ive done just two
with 6 months break in between......mainly because i advanced in weight to quickly from taking drugs and didnt allow my nerves and connective tissue to play catch up .....result injuries due to poor form and "enhanced strenght"
to the point were i almost had to give up lifting.........ive had to completely redo my training and approach to steroids,life everything...due to these your raising a very valid aint just about the drugs afterall...
LiftTillIDie said:
Nice thread Rock. If you are injecting Sustanon (sust) ed won't there still be test in your system for most of the way through pct?

the test sus in the first cycle winny/test sus is suspension.......
sustanon could in theory be used in a short cycle but youd need to inject
about 1250-2000mg of it in the first 3 days of a 28 day cycle.....

in theory you can use long ester gear in short cycles....and have it clear the system in 30 days simply deduct the active life from 30 cyp woulod be 30 minus 16 days = 14 days so you would need to dose yourself with enough test for the month in those first 14 days.......not really ideal but it can be ive said before and actually done add an oral up front and a short acting anabolic at the rear to fill in the up and down ramps of the test and you have a serious 30 day l rea covers this in his book building the perfect beast......which if it does anything is make good not doing anything that hasnt been done before by others....
Last edited: not an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) expert nor do i have an advanced physique im a rec lifter ....who just really enjoys training.....and loves aas.....i run shorter cycles for better health and to break through days of shooting to grow are over after i progressed to quickly and injured myself....
ill run these shorter cycles as needed ...but basically i train natural 90% of the im still under my nat not saying these cycles are any better than others.....i posted them in the hope that others might benefit from some of the ideas or at least think about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use in another way then the standard x+Y for z weeks equals mass........and if one person thinks outside of the square then thats great.....because we still have heaps to learn about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. most of the cycles are over 20 years old....think of a car from 20 years ago compared to one of today.....sure you can say if it aint broke dont fix it....but im into optimum performance.....not hitting things with a sledgehammer.........all i can say is after the reviews of my bloodwork and personal experiences these cycles and others work for me.....will they work for you......???? thats up to you to decide.................thanks for everyone who posted.......
Rock you should talk a little bit more about your injuries, just curious as to what happened to get you hurt so bad?
LiftTillIDie said:
Rock you should talk a little bit more about your injuries, just curious as to what happened to get you hurt so bad?

to be brutally honest (there goes my internet
my biggest downfall was taking steroids before building a proper foundation,
combined with ego and poor form...result my kness ,shoulders and back are in pretty bad the point were ive had to change my lifestyle completely as well as my goals...its been a humbling experience to me lifting was everything the first day i squatted ten plates was the best day in my life
but all thats changed and i have to start from scratch ditch the ego and macho bullshit and get on with the work/recovery....ill detail it in my thread
"rockapes road to redemption"...cheesy i no ....but hopefully itll help others with there superman complexes......