Somaject !!

mike1107 said:
whatever, I think I won't order from them for moment : I prefer paying more $$$ & have good stuff than SHIT ... just my .02.

you were asking for opinions in the beginning of the thread, and now your saying somaject is SHIT?? any basis for that? if you read my above posts, you'll see the co. is underground, therefore cannot be FDA approved. bump for anyone with opinions based on FACTS, ie. experience with the products...thx
doggy said:
you were asking for opinions in the beginning of the thread, and now your saying somaject is SHIT?? any basis for that? if you read my above posts, you'll see the co. is underground, therefore cannot be FDA approved. bump for anyone with opinions based on FACTS, ie. experience with the products...thx

I never asked for advices about it ... I was asking for more infos about the fact they stooped selling ...
and I knew it was a underground company before you posted it
if you mean I don't have any experience and I speak for nothing then you're DAMN wrong ! I had several mixed feedbacks about it and if it's waht you call FACTS
I'm not the kind of person who critics without knowing what I'm talking about...and for moment I'm not saying that SOMA is a shit , but if they stop producing and then ther might be a doubt about the legitimacy of the next soma kits ... this is my opinion and it's not golden so I hope there will be more people who'll come here and give you FACTS

bro, you implied above soma's are shit, sorry, i guess im confused and misunderstood you... not quite sure why you'd bring up fda if you knew it was underground?
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Since when they stopped selling?

I just got 3 kits this morning!

and I think that thread contains already too much info :)

doggy said:
bro, you implied above soma's are shit, sorry, i guess im confused and misunderstood you... not quite sure why you'd bring up fda if you knew it was underground?

that's what my post was supposed to say : they are not FDA approved cauz they are underground...

now if anyone heard about the fact that they stop selling FOR MOMENT please post here...
ok man sorry for confusion...

as for them not selling now, dont know, i should be receiving mine today
doggy said:
ok man sorry for confusion...

as for them not selling now, dont know, i should be receiving mine today

no problem bro..
even if they stopped selling for the moment you should be safe with yours !! enjoy growing with it !!
Hmmm...strange thread?....Somaject is not from Germany thats for sure..and if they lie on their website...........
Well every one should know for themselves..


I was just informed that, there are NO worries...Somaject availability will be normal...false alarm..
