Some dieting questions from a newbie...

SemperFi 0321

New member
Ok, here we go........

I am new to the I have been reading all of the boards for the past week. Now I have some questions.

175 lbs.
13% bf
lifting since I was 16, started training hard in the Marine Corps when I was 19, but at 22 had to have several knee surgeries. I went home from the Corps and didn't train heavy anymore until just a month ago. I was up to 195 in the Corps, but now, back to 175. Here is my diet:

2 whole eggs + 4 egg whites, 6 oz ham, 1 x cheese, 16 oz whole milk w/2 tbsp whipping cream, 1/2 cup cottage cheese.
cals-950 prot-69 carb-35 fat-60

6:45am Train until 8:00am

9:00 am (1 hr post w/o)
Protien shake - 4 scoops whey - 75g dextrose
w/2 whole eggs, 2 tbsp. whipping cream, 1 banana, 16 oz. skim milk mixed in. Cals-794 Prot-70 Carb-107 Fat-23

Tuna sandwich on wheat - 1 can tuna, 2 x wheat bread, some salad dressing
Peanut Butter sandwich on wheat - 2 tbsp PB, 2 x wheat bread
2 x bananas, carrot sticks.
Cals-656 Prot-48 Carb-56 Fat-29

Protein shake - same as 9:00am, but no dextrose

8 oz chicken breast, veggies, 8 oz whole milk
cals-370 prot-56 carb-12 fat-11
(this does not include the veggies, don't know their values)

Protein shake - same as 9:00am, but no dextrose

Am I doing this right? I am not using gear yet, but will be in a couple of months. It will be my very first. Want to get the diet down first, make sure everything goes ok. I appreciate any help you all can give.

It looks decent, but I have a few comments.

What's with the peanut butter sandwhich? I've actually seen several people that had this in their diet, and I don't see why. But at least you have some protein in with it! Can you please explain the reasoning? I would think animal fat would be better than peanut fat.

Could you have real food at night instead of the protein shake? Can you do the same for the 3pm shake?

In the morning, use 6 whole eggs instead of 2 whole and 4 whites.

Is there a reason your post-workout shake is an hour after training? It would be better if it was right after training.

It might be a good idea to eat more between 9 and 12, since you just worked out. Maybe move those two bananas to closer to the end of your workout if possible, since that's pretty sugary.

Also, eat liver, oysters and other shellfish, whole eggs, and lots of veggies whenever you can. This way you get lots of important nutrients.

If I might recommend just one supplement, I would recommend cod liver oil at 1 tablespoon per day. It's very good for you and is the best oil out there.

The reason for the PB sandwich is that I saw it in other diets on the boards. I will change to 2 tuna instead.

I cant seem to get the calories up to over 4000 without the two shakes. Any suggestions for something quick for the 3:00 and evening shakes? At 5:30, I eat a large meal, should I eat a second at 8? I could just make enough at 5:30 for both meals.

As for the post-w/o shake, I waited an hour so that I didn't throw off the diet schedule. So many people on the boards have different opinions about how much protein your body will actually use in "one sitting", which I took to mean the 2 hours after you eat. If you suggest moving the shake to right after, I'll get it done tomorrow.

Should I drink a shake before w/o and after and move the large meal with eggs, etc. to between 9 and 12?

I'll start the cod liver oil tomorrow as well.

I appreciate all your advice.

SemperFi 0321 said:
I cant seem to get the calories up to over 4000 without the two shakes. Any suggestions for something quick for the 3:00 and evening shakes? At 5:30, I eat a large meal, should I eat a second at 8? I could just make enough at 5:30 for both meals.

As for the post-w/o shake, I waited an hour so that I didn't throw off the diet schedule. So many people on the boards have different opinions about how much protein your body will actually use in "one sitting", which I took to mean the 2 hours after you eat. If you suggest moving the shake to right after, I'll get it done tomorrow.

Should I drink a shake before w/o and after and move the large meal with eggs, etc. to between 9 and 12?

For quick food to replace a protein shake, you could use whole milk during the day, hard boiled eggs, some fruit like an apple or pear, or some cottage cheese. Some nuts and beef jerky is also an option.

Yeah, just eat a second meal at 8pm. That would be best.

About the post-workout shake; your first meal has slow digesting protein in it, with only a small amount that will be digested quickly. So that rule for what your body uses in "one sitting" doesn't apply, since casein in cottage cheese and milk take over 8 hours to digest, and about the same goes for meat.

With that said, you'll be fine with your post-workout shake immediately after training. This will help decrease cortisol, too.

I wouldn't move any meals around...just add in another meal between 9 and 12. The food you have with the 9am meal could be pushed back to a meal at 10am.

You can split up your post-workout shake to half before or during, and half after.
how do you get the food down the hatch? I just started this diet a week or so ago and its really tough to get that much down. I started another thread and asked the same question, but maybe you can answer it here. I feel like crap for 2+ hours after eating or drinking a shake. How long will it take my body to adjust to this diet?
A couple weeks. That's why it is best to only raise your caloric intake 200-400 calories per week, this gives your stomach time to stretch out and make room for food, and lets your metabolism keep up witht he pace.
I should have asked that question before I started!!! I went from 2000 calories a day to over 4000 - overnight! No wonder i feel like crap. Thanks for the info jynx...