Some gains in the waistline.......not good!!

SemperFi 0321

New member
I have been on a 4500+cal/300g protein diet for over a month now and will be starting my first cycle in about a month. The problem is, even with working out hard for about 2 hours on a 3 day split, I have seen some new additions to the waistline that I dont like. Is there any way to combat this, or is it just more that has to come off during cutting? I really don't like my waistline to look like this.

Yesterday, I ended up with 5456 cals, 248g fat, 488 carbs, and 313g protein. It was a big day though, usually the cals are between 4500 and 5000, the fat aroung 220, the carbs around 400 and the protein at 280-300.

I don't cardio because I want to gain all I can, and some of the threads here have said that you need to conserve all the calories you take in for gaining.

Currently, I'm 24, 5'10, started at 175 about 6 weeks ago, now at 182. My goal is 200-210, but I don't want all this in the waist. Any suggestions?
And Frosty, if you read this one, from FitDay - my cals came from:
43%fat, 33%carbs, and 24%protein. I drank almost 1 gal. of whole milk, 1 gal of water. The food included 10 whole eggs throughout the day, 12 oz. tuna, about 12 oz. beef, potatoe, salad, fruit, and 2 protein shakes, one pre-w/o and one post. Any comments about the waistline?
SemperFi 0321 said:
And Frosty, if you read this one, from FitDay - my cals came from:
43%fat, 33%carbs, and 24%protein. I drank almost 1 gal. of whole milk, 1 gal of water. The food included 10 whole eggs throughout the day, 12 oz. tuna, about 12 oz. beef, potatoe, salad, fruit, and 2 protein shakes, one pre-w/o and one post. Any comments about the waistline?

How does the rest of you look?

One quick note, though - working out for two hours is WAY too long. A workout more than an hour is a waste of time if you're not on anabolics. There is just too much cortisol produced from training that long when natural.
The rest is great. No fat, muscle has grown significantly in the last 6 weeks. But my waist has also grown. And I'll cut the gym time down to an hour. The reason it takes so long is that I rest 5 min between sets. One thread in the training forum said to take longer rests, so I have been. How long do you suggest resting b/w sets and exercises?
SemperFi 0321 said:
The rest is great. No fat, muscle has grown significantly in the last 6 weeks. But my waist has also grown. And I'll cut the gym time down to an hour. The reason it takes so long is that I rest 5 min between sets. One thread in the training forum said to take longer rests, so I have been. How long do you suggest resting b/w sets and exercises?

If the rest of you is improving, then you'll just have to live with the temporary fat gain. Keep in mind that with the muscle you're adding, it will be even easier to drop the fat later on. If the fat gain becomes too much, you could add in a little light cardio...something short so it's not too catabolic.

As far as depends on what you're doing in the gym. The higher the intensity, the longer the rest period. One way to create "training economy" is to superset your exercises. That way you're not sitting around for whatever rest're doing work that is separate from the lift you just did (example: chinups supersetted with bench press). This can cut workout times in half.
I guess I can deal with the fat for now. I appreciate the help. One other question.......I never hear you eat pork. Is that a no-no?

Thanks for the info.

Semper Fi
SemperFi 0321 said:
I guess I can deal with the fat for now. I appreciate the help. One other question.......I never hear you eat pork. Is that a no-no?

Thanks for the info.

Semper Fi

If I can get a good source for the pork, then I'll eat it. But that kinda goes for any meat. I don't see a reason not to eat pork if it's from healthy pigs.
try brisk walking for your cardio. if you do too much cardio, your body will feed on your muscles. you need light cardio for long periods of time such as walking for about 1 to 1.5 hours. that should help you retain your muscle but keep your gut in check.
I noticed that the "fat layering" is on my stomach and chest. Nowhere else. I have always been lean - like 12% bf, and now, after a month of 5000 cals and 350g protein a day, I think the % is up a few points. I don't like it, but I don't want to compromise my gains. I haven't started any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet, but have gone from 175 to 187 as of this afternoon at the Dr. office. It has been just a little over a month that I have been dieting and training to bulk. I weighed 195 at my heaviest in the Marine Corps, but haven't weighed that for 2 years. Could alot of this be the fat or are gains like this normal? If it is mostly fat, do I need to lower the cals in my diet along with some slow cardio? I appreciate all the help from everyone.

Semper Fi
SemperFi 0321 said:
I noticed that the "fat layering" is on my stomach and chest. Nowhere else. I have always been lean - like 12% bf, and now, after a month of 5000 cals and 350g protein a day, I think the % is up a few points. I don't like it, but I don't want to compromise my gains. I haven't started any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet, but have gone from 175 to 187 as of this afternoon at the Dr. office. It has been just a little over a month that I have been dieting and training to bulk. I weighed 195 at my heaviest in the Marine Corps, but haven't weighed that for 2 years. Could alot of this be the fat or are gains like this normal? If it is mostly fat, do I need to lower the cals in my diet along with some slow cardio? I appreciate all the help from everyone.

Semper Fi

From what you said it doesn't sound like it's mostly fat.

Read this thread and it will give you peace of mind:
Awesome read Frosty - guess I should be happy with the fat! And I will be now. I thought maybe I wasn't working hard enough in the gym, even at 2 hours. I have since changed to a 1 hour workout, but still thought because of the fat that I wasn't training right. I am going to take the advice of Scorpio and work in 30 min of cardio on the "off" days and see how it works. But I will just have to learn to love the extra me. As far as the low carb, high fat diet - I think I have blown that all to hell. My carb intake is about 350-450 a day. Think I should cut that down some??? Dieting has got to be the hardest part by far of the whole experience. Thanks for everything Frosty.
SemperFi 0321 said:
Awesome read Frosty - guess I should be happy with the fat! And I will be now. I thought maybe I wasn't working hard enough in the gym, even at 2 hours. I have since changed to a 1 hour workout, but still thought because of the fat that I wasn't training right. I am going to take the advice of Scorpio and work in 30 min of cardio on the "off" days and see how it works. But I will just have to learn to love the extra me. As far as the low carb, high fat diet - I think I have blown that all to hell. My carb intake is about 350-450 a day. Think I should cut that down some??? Dieting has got to be the hardest part by far of the whole experience. Thanks for everything Frosty.

Gaining lots of muscle on a low carb diet is difficult for most and impossible for some. A lowish carb diet like the Anabolic Diet can support muscular gains, but it's not easy to get enough calories in that way (since you have to eat like 6k calories in beef lol). I gained 4 lbs in a month doing this, so it works.

However, I think your carbs sound fine for a "bulker". Once you want to shed the fat, then you can cut back on the carbs. Concentrate on what you're doing now, and that's trying to gain as much muscle as humanly possible! Good luck, bro, and have fun with it.