Some Progress


Death Dealer
Transformation pics

Here's some progress pics I took on Monday. I'm 6'4 about 263 in these and I turned 20 about 2 weeks ago. The pics of the skinny little kid are me before I started lifting. In the green shirt I'm 16 and had probly been lifting for a few months. I'm 15 in the other 2. All natural.
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nice work. I'd say just work on the chest a bit, rear delt, and try and up the cardio to cut down some of the BF and you'll be doing really good. Keep up the hard work.
good progress, I'm a big fan of staying bulked until you reach a really good size... :)

keep it up. Your shoulders/chest do need some work though, Your back is nice and wide comming along! How are your legs?
the before and after pics are just nuts. Are those stretch marks inside your armpit there? I imagine you'd have to have some after gaining 150lbs in 4 years or so. What'd you eat to put that kind of weight on, and how tall are you in the before pic?
Thanks for the encouragement guys. I am not going to be too concerned with bodyfat until I get to the size I want to be, and I don't want to lose muscle cutting so I'm kind of waiting for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to cut. I'm on a split right now where I don't have a ton of room for isolation work so I realize i'm going to have some lagging parts. There is always time to bring them up later. My legs are decent, I like my hams but quads need work. I had a lower back injury last spring that caused me to have to quit deadlifting and start completely over on squats so I know that hurt progress. Yeah I have a lot of stretch marks on both sidees of my armpit as well as my inner thighs and ass. Starting to get them on my chest as well. Just something that comes with the territory I guess. In the green shirt pic I was almost at my full height the other two I'm between 6'2 and 6'3... I was one skinny mofo.