Someone please explain why you would run this kind of cycle please


New member
I came across this cycle on another forum , things like the change in the test prop dose for one seem odd. Just never saw one layed out like this.

CYCLE WEEKS Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate
1250mg/5ml vial Nadrolone Decanoate
500mg/5ml vial Boldenone Undecylenate
5 ml vial(1000 mg/ml) Testesterone Propionate
2 ml vial 200mg/ml
1 1500 mg----700 mg
2 750 mg-----400 mg
3 750 mg-----400 mg
4 750 mg-----400 mg
5 750 mg-----400 mg
6 750 mg-----400 mg
7 750 mg-----400 mg
8 750 mg-----400 mg
9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day
11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day
13 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day
15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
16 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day

the x's mean you stop taking the test & deca and the 400mg of boldenone and 200mg of prop are what you continue with
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That cycle looks like crap. Pick one form of test and run it through the whole cycle. Also 8 weeks is a little short on deca and definitely too short for eq. Not really sure why that says multiple times a day either.
That cycle looks like crap. Pick one form of test and run it through the whole cycle. Also 8 weeks is a little short on deca and definitely too short for eq. Not really sure why that says multiple times a day either.
The genius that came up with it probably thinks propionate is the same thing as TNE. Long esters to start, short to finish right as the long ester kicks in...

Yep, someone took a dartboard with compounds and durations and got all silly. Sorry to break the news, but simple IS better in the case of AAS. 16 weeks of just deca and test (pick your ester) will easily outperform the cycle above.

My .02c :)
The only reason you would run a cycle like that is from a lack of knowledge just like an anavar only cycle...
Yeah...whoever proposed this cycle is-pain and simple-uneducated, too lazy to read/research, and inexperienced, to say the least. There is so much wrong that it would be pointless to discuss every flaw in here. It is merely one large flaw. Sorry to disappoint.
Agreed with everyone else. Aside from the headache of trying to keep up with it it has zero benefit.
I came across this cycle on another forum , things like the change in the test prop dose for one seem odd. Just never saw one layed out like this.

CYCLE WEEKS Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate
1250mg/5ml vial Nadrolone Decanoate
500mg/5ml vial Boldenone Undecylenate
5 ml vial(1000 mg/ml) Testesterone Propionate
2 ml vial 200mg/ml
1 1500 mg----700 mg
2 750 mg-----400 mg
3 750 mg-----400 mg
4 750 mg-----400 mg
5 750 mg-----400 mg
6 750 mg-----400 mg
7 750 mg-----400 mg
8 750 mg-----400 mg
9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day
11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day
13 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day
15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /3 times a day
16 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 400 mg------200 mg /4 times a day

the x's mean you stop taking the test & deca and the 400mg of boldenone and 200mg of prop are what you continue with

The Reason is because the guy was trying to try something new. Like Reinvent the wheel. He want's to be superbuff so bad that he is willing to take risks and hope for the best. He's frontloading the easter so it will kick in faster. Long Esters take a while to kick in. He's also trying to switch it up for the anabolic window so the body doesnt get used to the compounds and it continues growing. Sounds like he just want's the drugs to do the work for him. But on that note its kind of an idiotic cycle. Goodluck recovering from that in PCT. OOOch. He would be better off if He just ran a Gram of test and like 800mg of DECA.