soy milk..


New member
why does no one incorporate any soy into their diet? i know its one of the worst sources of protein.. but it couldnt hurt drinking it with a meal? If i run outa whey... i drink a big glass a soy while im cookine my pwo meal. Any input?
Many guys, including Dr. John Crisler, believe that soy acts as an estrogen in the body. I've always been skeptical of this, but I'm starting to at least consider it as a possibility. Not sure if there is any study data yet or not.
really? I had no idea soy beans could increase estrogen and prolactin in the body... is their any studies on this?
Yes, there are studies. It depends on how the soy is processed. There are plant hormones in soy beans, and that is where most of where the comments are going to come from.

I dont do soy and I dont do milk of any kind unless I'm having cake or something, but if processed 'properly' its not considered bad at all.

If we look to countries that cultivate and use soy on a regular basis, we can see how hugely muscular they are naturally without lifting weights. It amazing really.
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