Specific Questions about Anavar cycle


New member
Hey, I am a newb here. Ive been doing a lot of research for the last few weeks on this website and I havnt been able to find find my answer in previous threads
so here I go.

I'm 21 years old, height 6-2, Weight 192 pounds
Max bench 250
Max squat 300
12.5% Body fat

I've been training since I was 15. Only the last two years of that has been serious though. I'm working for my personal training certification and to my knowledge I train and eat very well. My workout parter is a very experienced personal trainer who in the past has run Test. We're about to go from a buliding phase to a strenght training/power phase. Ive been doing my reasearch on as many different products as possible via this website and others and talking to a few body builders as well. I am very eager to to use some sort of roid by I want one that best fits my goals. Im not looking to bulk up really fast, Id rather do it over time. What I am looking for though is a boost to my strenght and something that will make me harder. I have a pretty muscular physique but Im lacking in vascularity and hardness despite a good cardio regimine. This is where anavar comes in. Through my reseach from what Ive found anavar will help aid in these goals. I do have a few concerns though. I am prone to acne and although I dont get it any more I used to have it bad a few years back. I'm trying to stay away from outbreaks.

So my questions are, even though I am prone to acne will a low doseage of anavar not cause acne?
On the flip side will a low dosage of anavar be able to give me good results for my goals.(either 10 or 20 mg perday)?
Even though this seems like a rediculously low dosage, My source told me that due to the fact that I have never used gear and I train properly this will give me quality results. Is this true?

One more question? Barring that the feedback I get from you guys is positive is there anything out there that I could stack with anavar, legal or not, that could promote a bit more growth without side effects of acne?

Any feedback would be more than appreciated. Thanks in advance
if your going to run Anavar (var) for a 1st cycle amd i guess you are since you allready bought some then i would run at least 40 mg ed , maybe 50 . theres no point in shutting down your natural testosterone production and not takeing enough gear to get decent results . also dont forget you WILL need to do post cycle therapy (pct) after your Anavar (var) cycle . 40-50 mg for 6-8 weeks of Anavar (var) ,IF you are gonna run Anavar (var) at all imo .
I agree with dadawg. If you're going to run the Anavar (var) , I'd go with 40mg/d. Heck, 10mg/d is the dose a lot of women use so in all probability you'd notice next to nothing with 10-20mg daily.

As for the acne, it's a tough call. My skin became slightly more oily while running Anavar (var) , no outbreaks however. Anavar (var) is an extremely mild steroid and will tend to have the least chance of causing androgenic side effects such as acne and hair loss. But everyone's different and responds differently to different compounds (what's that word...pharmacogenetics or something), so the only way to know for certain is to give it a go.
some have seen decent results @ 20mg/day...but I personally wouldn't bother with that dosage. That's your decision though. Like HHE said, Acne is hard to say...personally I take 3 showers a day, take prescribed medicine from a derm and I still break out. I don't think Anavar (var) would break you out too bad though.
I ran a low dose Anavar (var) cycle and still got small amounts of acne on my arms and face, just make sure you wash 3times a day... morning, straight after training, before sleep and scrub hard with a rough sponge or brush also get some good skin/spot cleanser....I really woudn't run anything lower then 40mg, 20mg am and 20mg pm.

For good vascularity you will generally need to get into single digit BF%.
Lucky13 said:
scrub hard with a rough sponge or brush

That's the worst thing you can do for acne...it will irritate it worsen the situation. However if your talking about cleansing it before you even get acne, then I would agree.
If I decide to go with the higher dosage the only amount I can get for a good $$ is 50mg tablets. Is it ok to take just that one 50mg tab a day or should I try and split them in half if possible for 25mg in the morning and 25mg at night??
sugarshane said:
If I decide to go with the higher dosage the only amount I can get for a good $$ is 50mg tablets. Is it ok to take just that one 50mg tab a day or should I try and split them in half if possible for 25mg in the morning and 25mg at night??

I'd split them in two.
sugarshane said:
If I decide to go with the higher dosage the only amount I can get for a good $$ is 50mg tablets. Is it ok to take just that one 50mg tab a day or should I try and split them in half if possible for 25mg in the morning and 25mg at night??

Var tabs are a rip off, buy powder, I'm not going into prices but you could divide the price by 20 and that is no joke.
Lucky13 said:
Anavar (var) tabs are a rip off, buy powder, I'm not going into prices but you could divide the price by 20 and that is no joke.

I agree. Powder prices are very enticing.

FWIW though, with all the UGL's around now, the price of Anavar (var) tabs has come down considerably from what options we had just a few years ago.
I just got my 50mg tonight...They actually werent tabs they were powder capsules. So I guess ill have to go with just 1 dose a day seeing as that I cant really split them. I think I got a damn good price for 50 of them. Has anyone heard anything good about united pharmaceuticals?

Also, before I started the Anavar (var) last night I had been taking some legal testosterone enhancing supplemements. ZMA for recovery at night, and Animal Stack(obviously the one without androstein). Should I discontunue the use of these or could it aid in a little added muscle growth?
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