Spiking insulin?


New member
OK after training we spike our insulin with dextrose to help digest the protein we have just ingested. why dont we throw in a gatorade for breakfast and other meals to spike our insulin?
You certanly can, but the risk of getting fat is always a concern.

I do not think very high levels of insulin all day long is the way to go for long term health. Don't think high levels of insulin is recuired for the anabolic responce we are looking for.

then how come ppl take humalog and humalin? i kno its good for pwo, but i see alota ppl takin it in the mourning and pwo.
rookie03 said:
then how come ppl take humalog and humalin? i kno its good for pwo, but i see alota ppl takin it in the mourning and pwo.

Well, the health concerns is not top priority in elite sports today, is it?

It's anabolic for sure. If you choose to have some simple carbs in the morning be sure to keep the fat intake to a absolute minimum a few hours afer.

is that why the ppl who do insulin always trip about takin in to much carbs and no fat after their shot?
rookie03 said:
is that why the ppl who do insulin always trip about takin in to much carbs and no fat after their shot?
They usually strive for enough carbs to keep their blood glucose at resonable levels but not so many carbs that they will gain fat.
You're about 20 years old, right?

No, I haven't tried insulin. Unless you are very large like Mr. Banner here (over 300 lbs, I think) and you also don't care about your health, leave the exogenous insulin alone.
rookie03 said:
have either of you ever tried slin?

Yes I have done insulin, but frankly, if I don't go total crazy with the doses it does not do much in the muscle building department for me. Obviusly doing crazy doses insulin is as I see it very dangerous and not the way to go if you are concerned about your health, both long term and short term.

Eat some more carbs and you can get pretty damn large.

rookie03 said:
yes i am about 20 years old. why do you have to be heavy to do slin?
Because your body is very capable of adding mass without the insulin; it's easy, just eat more. But these really big guys can eat 6,000 calories a day sometimes and not be able to add mass without some help. That's when the insulin can be of benefit, but as Mr. Banner has just said, it carries risk.
If you are not diabetic you can manage your endogenous insulin by taking fast carbs (dextrose/glucose, sucrose, etc). That's the main reason of PWO, to have an insulin peak and restore glycogen to muscles. Also restoring destroyed proteins from muscles.
If you have an insulin peak when you have full glycogen, metabolism will turn that carbs into body fat.
so do you think you could maybe take dextrose early mourning with protein and dextrose after workout for maximum results?
Bruce Banner said:
...but almost all the fat eaten will be stored as fat.

Bruce, I highly respect you as a very educated contributor to this board. However, I'm extremely skeptical of this claim. I eat fat all the time; way too much of it, actually. But I for one don't seem to gain any fat weight unless I'm eating a significant amounts of carbs.

I'm not sure of the exact process of what happens to a fat when it is digested. I have assumed that it is at least somewhat broken down. Isn't our body fat a different molecular formula than most of the fat we ingest? I'm curious to this process, although I somehow haven't come across accurate info about this on the Internet.
mranak said:
Bruce, I highly respect you as a very educated contributor to this board. However, I'm extremely skeptical of this claim. I eat fat all the time; way too much of it, actually. But I for one don't seem to gain any fat weight unless I'm eating a significant amounts of carbs.

I'm not sure of the exact process of what happens to a fat when it is digested. I have assumed that it is at least somewhat broken down. Isn't our body fat a different molecular formula than most of the fat we ingest? I'm curious to this process, although I somehow haven't come across accurate info about this on the Internet.

No, I meant if your cells is maximal filled with glycogen then all the EXTRA fat will be stored as fat, and won't be used as fuel imideatly.

Of course fat can bu used for fuel.
