Standard Test E and Dbol Cycle


New member
Hi guys, first time poster here

I've been looking into gear for almost a whole year now and have come to a decision on how I will be taking my first cycle.

My stats are;
Age: 24
height; 5' 9
Weight; 172lbs
bf%; <10%

I have been seriously training for 4 years and have competed in natural body-building competitions as a teen.
My diet has always been consistent which has allowed me to keep lean and train 5x a week training different body parts per day.

The current cycle I have been looking into is a simple Test E cycle accompanied by a Dbol booster at the start.
The reason for this cycle is that I now want to gain some bulk mass and try and push myself further in terms of where I see myself in training. I have heard people saying first cycles should only contain Test itself to see whether the sides I get is from estrogen or progesterone but I have also heard first cycles will be your best cycle and that you should take advantage of it.

Through constant research this is what I've come to decide on how the cycle should run.

week 1-10 Test E, 500mg/week (250mg Monday/ 250mg Thursday)
week 1-4 Dbol, 30mg/day (spread throughout the day) - 10mg tabs
week 1-4 N2Guard (for liver from Dbol)
week 1-12 Aromasin, 12.5mg/eod (possibly run the same dosage right up to week 16 as PCT)
week 6-12.5 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - until 4 days before PCT starts, 500 IU a week (250IU Monday/ 250IU Thursday)

week 13-16 Clomid 50/25/25/25 mg
week 13-16 Nolva 50/20/20/20 mg
week 13-18 DAA (natural test booster)

-Nolva will be on hand at 20mg per day if symptoms of gyno appears for the Dbol Kickstart duration

-Considering extending the Aromasin from week 1 to 16 instead of just week 1-12 as I've read it may take care of the possible estro rebound

My question to you guys is, how does this look for a first cycle? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Looks good to me I am just not sure about hcg but the rest looked good have a good cycle bro :) cheers
Looks like a kick ass first cycle. I'm abôut to run my first cycle and it's pretty similar to yours. Only thing is I'm thinkin of waiting on the dbol. Two reasons - one is it's my first cycle. And the second being that I see myself gaining a pretty good amount of muscle with just test alone being that it will be my first cycle, throw some dianabol on top and were talkin 20 lbs of water in the first four weeks! Yeah I'm gonna wait on the dbol till next time.

Also I would think you would want to run a liver support the entire cycle??
I'm looking into synthergine, it's expensive but spare no expense when it comes to the liver. Good luck
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thanks all for the replies, yeah still tossing up on whether to run Dbol or not but I've heard great things about it to first time users
yoda I was wondering on how you would run the HCG? I've heard many opinions on people starting from week 1 and other's blasting at the end.
yoda I was wondering on how you would run the HCG? I've heard many opinions on people starting from week 1 and other's blasting at the end.

Going to have to ask some of the vets bro not to sure about hcg? Anyone else? Hcg help cheers
FIRST, Hi and welcome to the board :wavey:

IMOP this is looking really good. It seems you have done your homework and thanks for posting the cycle as an outline format. That's the way it should be done. I cannot advise on the HCG. but do it man and Good Luck and stay cool. ...the old guy :)
Welcome to the board man, just some suggestions for you to consider:

1) You should Test for a minimum of 12 weeks

2) I have only read about this recently but you may find you need a higher AI dose in the first four weeks due to both the test+dbol, after that you may be able to reduce

3) Opinions on HCG are varied. I read a good post/article on here from one of the vets and it essentially talked about how HCG should be the last element added to a cycle if cost is an issue. Plus, for the first cycle or two the compounds aren't strong enough to warrant it. That being said if you can afford it than why not, it will help with recovery. As for starting it mid-cycle again I really dont know, but I'm a big believer in being proactive, not reactive. Just some info for you to consider.

4) The numbers you posted for your PCT are strange, as in you're gonna go from 50mg to 20mg, is this a typo?

Hope this all helps