Started first Cycle 500 sus a week.


Hey fellas I just started my first cycle. Its Brinkkmann Sus 300. I am doing 500 a week twice a week for 12 weeks. I have Nolva on the way for post cycle therapy (pct). I figured i would start and keep a little log especially since I saw there's a few other newbs right now doing Brinkmann.

So Stats,
6'1 225 32yo bf guessing around 15%? not sure. Been lifting on and off since I was a kid and have been hitting it regular for the last 5 years and hitting it hard for the last 2. My diet has been good for the most part just way to many cheat meals that I am going to be cutting out. I should get my BF checked so I know for sure what it is.

Did my first shot last night, it went smooth. Since its Sus 300 im doing .8 twice a week that should come out to 250 so then 500 a week.

Routine has been by feel no set number of sets or reps. Around 13-15 sets per body part, 10-12 rep range, and I like to keep rest between sets to a minimum. If anyone is interested in exact strength gains let me know and i'll post more detail with numbers.

Will update soon. Any comments, advice, or Critique Welcome. Thanks :)
Here's an update. Sat will be the start of my 4th week using the Brinkkmann Sus-300. I picked up Liquidex and started it on my second week. 25mg every 3 days. I cleaned up my diet even more to get a higher percentage of my protein from whole foods and less from shakes. Weight yesterday was 232 that's up 7 pounds and strength is up a bit. So far the libido is in hyper drive. I feel like I did in Jr. High so I guess that's a good sign. lol The only down side is a shity one. My blood preasure jumped threw the roof starting a couple days ago and just hasn't come down. I saw the Doc yesterday and when he asked about any medication usage I just told him I was screwing around with my buddys testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and he said don't worry hes not there to judge just to help so that's good. He gave me some Bystolic 5mg tabs and told me one a day and scheduled a two week follow up. I'm hoping that starts to kick in with in the next few days because the preasure is so high I feel like my head is gonna pop :( I read about the L-dex and some are saying that it helps BP by lowering bloating but others are saying increased BP is a side effect so I'm confused there. I am gonna stop taking it for now and see if that plus the meds bring it down because that would blow fat dick to have to stop the cycle.
Any advice on the BP is more than welcome, Thanks.
hey im just curious if you found any good info on brinkkmann pharms, i want to start my cycle of test prop soon but cant find anygood info

Hey bud when I looked it up I didn't find much either. A friend of mine who got it for me says he hasn't had any complaints yet but that doesn't mean shit really lol. There was another log that mentioned he was starting Brinkkmann on here but I think it died because it hasn't been updated in a while. That's also what made me post mine because there was a few people on there asking about it. Like I mentioned I'll be on my 5th week soon (as long as I don't come off from the blood pressure) and by then I should be able to let ppl know of its bunk or under dosed or what have you. If it is I'll make sure to post about it before I go to jail for assault lol. I'll snap a pic of the gear so you can compare what it looks like. If you start yours post on it I'll watch for it.
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Theres the pics I said I would take.

Weighed 237 today. The pip is not nearly as bad as when I started, its worlds better. Also got the blood pressure better. Between the Bystolic, the supplements, and cleaning up the diet even more its much better and I'm glad I didn't have to come off because of that. I took a few days off to rest and heal up just did cardio those days and came back today felt strong. I did back

Pull-ups 4x6
Underhand bent rows 3x12,10,8 at 185,205,225
Seated cable row 3x10 at 180
Pull overs 2x light burnout.

I felt I could do a bit more but I knew there was no need, my back pump was huge.
Well right when I didn't think the libido could possibly get higher it did lol. The blood pressure has been alright and strength is up a but this week. Did a chest yesterday..

Flat Dumbbell 4x10,8,8,6 @90s,95s,95s,100s
Incline Bar 3x12,10,10 @155,165,165
Machine decline 2x12@170
Dips 2