starting a cycle .... help


New member
i am 24 5'8" about 210 i am in great shape but wanna cut and bulk which is why i was advised to go with the anavar / cyp cycle, i also have access to anadrol if i wanna go crazy and stack it with the cyp but i need cycle advice cause i cant seem to get a solid answer from anyone!

i am mostly curious about how to do the cycle and what else i need to be taking durring the cycle to keep from getting DHT side effects or sexual side effects, as well as how should i mix in PCT and what should i take for PCT if anyone has any helpfull tips and is willing to chat about my options please let me know
also as for post cycle therapy (pct), where to get it? can u buy it from the drugstore or

Mate to be quite honest it's best to do your own research rather then rush it and mess up then panic and mess yourself up physcologically. This forum has so many threads on everything you need to know.

And you should go on a test only cycle for 12-14 weeks as a first cycle to see how you react.
Honestly sounds like you are not ready for what you have. Not to be an ass. How many cycles have you done, what is your BF%. Do have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand?

PCT As posted above get from a sponsor.
Run Clomid 50mg,for 4 weeks
nolva 40mg for 2 weeks and 20mg for 2weeks.

Look into HCG as well for PCT.
Honestly sounds like you are not ready for what you have. Not to be an ass. How many cycles have you done, what is your BF%. Do have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand?

PCT As posted above get from a sponsor.
Run Clomid 50mg,for 4 weeks
nolva 40mg for 2 weeks and 20mg for 2weeks.

Look into HCG as well for PCT.

Not to be an ass but you would not run HCG during your PCT..... you would either run it the entire time until PCT or just blast it 2 weeks before post cycle therapy (pct).

As for your dupi, run test c at 500mg for 12weeks. I mean anavar is so low with side effects you can run it but most will say run test only. If you will run it then i would run it week 6-14 at 50-60mg ed.

You don't have to run HCG, it will def help but you don't have to.

As for PCT I would personally run it Clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20, start it 2 weeks after first shot. Also have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand as stated above from one of our sponsors, such as liquiddex at 50mcg EOD.

No need to tell this guy off, he joined here to get help just as everyone of you did too when joining.

I also assume that this is your first cycle, if I'm correct?