Starting Blackstone Super DMZ Cycle.! All critique is welcome!!!


New member
Yo yo Bros,

Whats happening? So I started this topic for some info if possible.

Its my third 3rd PH Cycle.
After reading and reading I decided to go for Blackstone Labs: Super-DMZ RX 2.0 cause IMO it comes near Superdrol!! And thats 1 hella of a ******pH!

But back to business!
My Stats; 232 lbs, around 6,3 ft, 14% fat.
Ive been lifting for 4 years right now and my age is 26.
3 years ago I've been doing ph on/off for more then 8 months separate.
Last ph cycle was june last year.

My diet is gonna be lots of thinking in(organic protein) so lots of meat, fish, veggies and healthy fat same as carbs.
Ill be eating around 3500 calories and trust me I can eat also ill be eating clean!!! AND BE WORKING OUT LIKE HELL DOESNT EXISTS!

My supplements:

Blackstone Labs: Super-DMZ RX 2. (2bottles)
Ultra Male Rx 60ct (1bottles)
E-Control RX (2Bottles)
Anabolic Matrix (1Bottles)
NovedeX T(1bottle)

Tucda(joint support/backpumps/lethargy)
D-pol (Daa)
Amino Chewables (amino acids)
Orange OxiMega Fish Oil (Omega 3 fatty acids)
Super Milk Thistle + Burdock (liver protection)
Animal Flex (Joint Support)
Orange TRIad (multivitamine)
CoQ10 100 mg with Hawthorn Berry Vegetarian (control Bloodpressure)
ConCret (Creatine)
Now Foods AAKG 3500(Amino Acid for the SuperPump)
AI Cycle Support (to prevent liver damage)
Noxipro (For a hell of a workout!)
Dark Matter (Bcaa during Workout)
Super Cissus Rx (joint Support)

Preload 1 week with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle Support, Hawthorne berry & Milkthistle!

Cycle is gonna be 6 Weeks and then post cycle therapy (pct).
See below;

Blackstone Super DMZ Rx:
First 3 days of week 1 cap Daily in the morning (see how my body is reaction) & then bump it up to 2 caps daily
morning and afternoon.
Week 3 bump it up to 3 caps daily until week 6. I have enough so i will be fine.

Ultra Male Rx:
1 cap daily

E-Control RX:
2 caps daily and then in week 3,3 caps daily

Anabolic Matrix
2 caps daily

AI Cycle support:
2 Servings daily

post cycle therapy (pct):

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Novadex xt 0/0/0/2/2/1/1/1/1
D-POL ass recommended from day 1!
& Cycle support will be used also as milk thistle:)
And for the other supplements ill take them how it says on the prescription & and through out post cycle therapy (pct)!
Ive heard many things about Sarms and read about it & am curious/consider to implement Osta RX into my post cycle therapy (pct)?

Am I gonna be fine with the post cycle therapy (pct) or should I higher the dosage of the clomid?

Last question should i be takin Creatin during the cycle or just leave it?

Thats was all folks!!!!!
So guys and girls if there are is any lol(2much testosterone)lol Critique!! KNOW it is more then welcome!!!!!!!!!
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Seems like too long of a cycle for a methylated PH. Personally I would not go over 6 and even that is questionable. Just speaking on what I would do for myself. take it or leave it.
views 160.. and no input.. Weird but oke.. @Downrz I don't wanna stack it just a stand alone. Maybe i should cut it to 6 weeks and then start pct and osta rx 1 caps daily and then 3rd week 2 caps daily***8230;

So gymrats come on.. some critique needed!!!!
6wks max bro.

U have quite a few supps there. If we could re do all of this with different stuff u could get away with less but u already have it all

I think you could probably cut out about 80% of the supps you are planning on taking, but if you feel more comfortable taking all of those by all means. Super dmz is a good product. 6 weeks max for sure. I would almost recommend going 20/20/30/30 rather than trying to run a ph 6+ weeks. Even with all those support supps that ph is HARD on your liver and blood pressure. Just my 2 cents