starting first cycle tmoro: test e, deca, dbol.


New member
hi people, after months and months of research i am starting my first ever steroid cycle tomoro! i have opted for 250 test e p/week, 250 deca p/week and 35mg dbol e/day. i will be running the test weeks 1-12, deca weeks 1-8 and dbol every day for first 4 weeks. i am taking 0.5md arimidex through out and 2weeks after last test jab starting my pct which looks like this:

clomid: day1:300mg
day2: 200mg
day3-11: 100mg
day12-21: 50mg
and nolvadex 20mg a day throughout the pct.

i think this is a pretty solid course for a first timer and keeping the doses of test and deca low i will be able to see how my body reacts without being `taken over` by the juice.

current stats. 22years old, been training hardcore for 3n half year 210 pounds not sure about bodyfat but in pretty good shape and pretty strong aswell.

i,ll keep you updated along the way on gains e.t.c

any comments will be much appriciated thanks peeps
My bad, doing 200 deca not 250..(not that it makes much of a diffrence!)

anyway need a lil help on the dbol. i wanna know whens the best time to take it. started the cycle today and am taking it as follows:

i train at around half12 midday because of work n stuff. am taking 35mg a day 10mgtabs. i take one at 8am one at half 11. one at 3 and half at 7. that was the best i could think of in terms of spacing it out because i workout at half 12 so wanna take one atleast hour before working out and i have my first meal at 8am so take one then too.

any pointers please guys?
Well to put this nicely, that's a terrible first cycle. I don't know where you did months and months of research but your first cycle should be test only at about 500mg per wk. Dbol for 4 weeks can be added if you really want but I would drop the deca.
Well my source reccommended that i do this course first off and i looked into it alot and seemed to be right for me.. had a look at other cycles but i decided this cycle with low doses would be ok?

why do you think its a good idea to drop the deca?
Well you should introduce 1 compund at a time to see how your body reacts to it. Each compound can cause different sides and since you've never used anything before you wouldn't know what's causing what or how to combat it. Not saying you will get sides, you'll probably be fine but it can happen, gyno being the main concern. Another thing is your doses on the test and deca are pretty low. There's a sticky in the anabolic forum on 300mg test vs 600mg test.
Here is the standard first cycle, and remember to have some Adex or Aromasin on hand in case of sides.

Weeks 1-12 Test-E 500mgs/week
For post cycle therapy (pct), Nolvadex at 40/40/20/20
yea i did read that its a good idea to do a test only cycle first to see sides etc. but i thought f**k it keep at low doses and it`ll be alright. also my source said it will be fine, but i hear what you saying and i`ll have a word with him about it. i am also taking vitamin b6 to help deca gyno aswell as adex.

thanks for input bro.
so two days after 1st jabs now. i did 2ml deca in right glute (200mg) and 1ml test e (250mg) in left glute. the deca jab didtnt hurt one bit and i feel nothing there now. but the test shot is killing!! didnt hurt at all while injecting but a day after was a lil sore and today its killing me lol can hardly walk properly, feels like ive been kicked by a horse! im not worried though and am assuming that its just an initial pain after 1st jab and thinking i didnt warm vile up enough. but hoping it sorts itself out before squats on friday!! other than that im feeling great. felt a bit run down earlier but got in the gym and worked through it and on top of the world now. dunno if its just cause im thinking `yea im juiced up now in a few weeks i`ll be looking great` or its the drugs but hey im noit complainin lol. only thing is im dropping the dbol to 30 mgs ed instead of 35 coz works easier for me. anyways i`ll keep you guys posted.. also any pointers along the way would be much appreciated as im gunna stick with test e and deca and see it through.. cheers guys