hi people, after months and months of research i am starting my first ever steroid cycle tomoro! i have opted for 250 test e p/week, 250 deca p/week and 35mg dbol e/day. i will be running the test weeks 1-12, deca weeks 1-8 and dbol every day for first 4 weeks. i am taking 0.5md arimidex through out and 2weeks after last test jab starting my pct which looks like this:
clomid: day1:300mg
day2: 200mg
day3-11: 100mg
day12-21: 50mg
and nolvadex 20mg a day throughout the pct.
i think this is a pretty solid course for a first timer and keeping the doses of test and deca low i will be able to see how my body reacts without being `taken over` by the juice.
current stats. 22years old, been training hardcore for 3n half year 210 pounds not sure about bodyfat but in pretty good shape and pretty strong aswell.
i,ll keep you updated along the way on gains e.t.c
any comments will be much appriciated thanks peeps
clomid: day1:300mg
day2: 200mg
day3-11: 100mg
day12-21: 50mg
and nolvadex 20mg a day throughout the pct.
i think this is a pretty solid course for a first timer and keeping the doses of test and deca low i will be able to see how my body reacts without being `taken over` by the juice.
current stats. 22years old, been training hardcore for 3n half year 210 pounds not sure about bodyfat but in pretty good shape and pretty strong aswell.
i,ll keep you updated along the way on gains e.t.c
any comments will be much appriciated thanks peeps