Starting my first cycle any advice?


New member
I'm starting my first cycle and would like some suggestions. I was wondering if I should start with test 250 or test prop? I'm also going to use masteron. What's the best way to cycle this? Should I add anything to the cycle? Also I was wondering if I should take nolvadex even though I'm going to use the masteron? Thanks guys any advice will help.
Thanks bro. I've pretty much read them all. I was just wondering if t-250 was sufficient or should I just get test prop. Also I haven't really found anything on taking masteron instead of using nolvadex.
I would suggest 500mg weekly split into 2 inj of test e or c. If you do prop, you'll be pinning eod and your virgin muscles more than likely will not like it ;) just read austinites first cycle guide. That will give you most of your answers
I will say don't run test and masteron without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Get adex or aromasin to run throughout cycle