Starting my first cycle! Test cyp!


New member
Im currently trying to figure out as to how i would run this cycle, i plan to do 12 weeks of watson test cypionate.. At wich week of the cycle would i start to take my nolvadex and clomid? need help ty!
you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) drug for on cycle, expect you"ll use 1.3 ml twice a week for a total of 520 mg a week ?
im 5'8 weigh 155 with about 7-8% body fat.
i was planning on doing 400 mg a week unless you think i should do more?

400 will work, but 500 is considered the standard cycle dose, do you have enough vials to go 500, if you do go for it

Aromasin is good and helps raise t levels, newest and no side . Arimidex also good, both probable need daily dosing to be optimal