Starting plan for next cycle.


New member
Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 3-14 tren ace 350 or 525 mg/week
Week 1-14 npp, deca, or eq.
Week 1-15 arimidex .5 mg eod

Pct 2 weeks after last shot clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

My questions lies with what would be the best third compound to add in with tren and test? Either deca, eq, or npp. My goal from this cycle will be a lean bulk I will be at a slight caloric surplus.
How many cycles have u done? 2 weeks to pct is old school. Look up pct calculater. What's wrong with test&tren?
This will be 5 or 6. Nothing is wrong with test and tren at all. Was just looking for information about another compound that would be beneficial to add in.
5'10.5-5'11, 210-212, 10-12% bf most likely 10, 29 years young. any other stats you would like to know? I like tren ace better then E is probably the mean reason i feel it kick in better. mostly just personal preference. Ive ran test P mostly but decided if i was going to add in a 3rd compound that i would run E this cycle. Also with Test E ill only pin that twice a week with tren ace its ED for me so there is only extra oil 2 times a week instead of with test prop it would be EOD. and with the 3rd compound being added in that with just be more oil so the test E will help with that a little.
If you're determined to run the test & tren already and really want to add size, my recommendation would honestly be cycling some orals...something like

1-16 testE 700/wk (200 eod)
1-16 trenA 525/wk (150 eod)
1-4 drol 50-100mg/d (depending on tolerance etc)
6-9 sdrol 20-30mg/d
12-16 drol 50-100mg/d

Of course you can add another injectable like NPP/deca or EQ but I think with tren in there already you'd see more from moderate to high dose orals in and out throughout the cycle

Use (t)UDCA and/or NAC of course, an AI and watch your BP but I think you'd be fine...

Diet's going to be the biggest factor though, with enough test in the mix the rest of the drugs are just 'icing' and your food/training/rest are going to have the biggest bearing on your growth IMO
Thank you. I will try and decide between the orals you suggested and another compound. I've ran orals on a test only cycle and liked them. If you had to pick between deca, npp, or eq what would you chose to add in and why?
Thank you. I will try and decide between the orals you suggested and another compound. I've ran orals on a test only cycle and liked them. If you had to pick between deca, npp, or eq what would you chose to add in and why?

NPP if you're using tren ace; no waiting for deca to spool up. EQ is less remarkable in terms of really packing on size; it's a good addition but unless you get some bold ace (or at least bold cyp) it takes months to show and even longer to leave if you want to PCT...not a fan for anything besides an extended, slow/lean bulk where a guy's not too concerned with numbers but wants to add say 10lbs of real LBM over a year's time...