Starting Test, EQ and Dbol, but unsure about the Ari dose.


New member
So Im about to start a cycle of:
500mg Test E / week
600mg EQ / week
and 30mg Dbol for the first four weeks.
A little lower dosages than I wanted, but money was an issue this time.
What kind of Arimidex dose should I start out with and how much, if any should I lower it after the Dbol?
Going to do some bloodwork a few weeks in and adjust accordingly, but Im a little uncertain about what dose to start with.
Weight is around 200 with 13% bf
.25-.5 mg eod.. Depends on past cycles and how much you feel you aromatize.. Start the AI from day one.
Thank you. Gonna start with .25 eod then. I crashed my e2 on my last cycle and that sucked big time, so I don't wanna do that this time. Amazing how long you can go and feel like crap before you realize what's going on, even though you knew it could be an issue before you started.
It's almost like it dumbs you down. Actually reminds me of a past drug addiction when I look back at it. You just become unavare and don't care.
your EQ aromatizes but has a far lesser affinity towards estrogen side, but obviously the test and dbol does aromatize and cause Estro problems, a lot,, so yeah start with .25mg and then get some bloods done a few weeks in
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