Starting TRT. Need your advice regarding my protocol.


New member
Hello everyone,
I would like to know what you think about my protocol:
I received my Testosterone in a bottle of 200mg/mL.
I also received some hCG.
I am 27, I have low body fat, I follow a diet, I don't drink or smoke and I go to the gym 5 times a week.

I have 500 IU of hCG and 100mg of Testosterone Enanthate per week.
I split the dose for monday and friday.

Monday: 0.3 mL of T. E. and 0.5 mL of hCG.
Friday: 0.2 mL of T. E. and 0.5 mL of hCG.


27 years old
1m82 cm or 5.97 feet
waist unknown. (I am thin and my abs are visible but my waist is not straight and looks more like a hourglass figure.)
I almost have no hair on cheeks. I have a sparse light colored beard. Most of my hair is under the chin, jawline and around the mouth. I have some hair on my chest. Most of my hair is on the legs.
Weight unknown. I have not changed really since my last checkup. My weight was around 174,165 lbs a month ago.
I have a multiple familial lipomatosis since 2013. I believe that my immune system is getting weaker. I started having the flue and then two weeks later shingles on my back and torso between October and November 2017. I am also under a lot of stress. I have always been stressed out my entire life. My fingernails are purple or blue, I do not have any lunula but on my thumbs.


All of them.
Suicidal thoughts
Strong mood swings
Rare morning woods
Social anxiety
No self confidence
No libido
Very tired looking face
Very easy to obtain fat
Very easy to lose muscle
Very hard to obtain muscle ( Same physique since I started back in 2014, despite everything I could do )
Hard to focus
Wrinkles despite age and healthy lifestyle.

Thyroid Info: None. I still have to learn about it.

First Lab Test (I am giving you what I have):

Sex Binding Panel:
Testosterone - Testosterone (F). 11.00 nmol/L (317.002 ng/dL)
Sex Binding Globulin - Sex Binding Globulin (F). 34 nmol/L. (979.827 ng/dL)
Free Androgen Index - Androgen Free Index (F). 32,4. if it is in nmol/L then it means 922,190 ng/dL.

DHEAS. 8,5 umol/L.

Liver Panel:

Bilirubin - Total - Bilirubin Total (F). 14 U/L.
ALP - Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (F). 82 U/L.
ALT Alanine - Aminotransferase (ALT) (F). 48 U/L.

The rest of the lab test is about Urinalysis Microscopic Panel and Glucose Fasting.

This is what I received when I asked for a testosterone blood test to my doctor back in june 2017.

Diet: Almost everything is organic.

During Workout: 10g of BCAA.

Morning: Oatmeal 100g with 30g of whey protein. 1 orange (sometimes kiwi or blueberries), 1 lemon, 10-12g of ginger. 15g of almonds. 3g of creatine. Fish oils, magnesium, zinc, tribulus, and more for testosterone.

10 AM: 30g of whey protein. one f***t.

Lunch: 130g of rice or pasta. (whole grain). 150g of fish, or white chicken, or 4 eggs. 150g at least of green vegetables.

5 PM: 180g of bread (whole grain) or 120g of oatmeal. with 3 eggs or 30g of whey protein. 15g of almonds. 1 f***t. 1 piece of chocolate.

8PM: 30g of carbs. 200g of green vegetables or carrots. 150g of meat, fish, or 4 eggs. 1 piece of chocolate.

I try to drink at least 2 L of water everyday.
I do not drink alcohol and I do not smoke.


5 times a week.

Wake up at 6 AM or 5:45 and fight against myself to go to the gym in the morning before going to work at 9 AM.

If too tired, I go after work.

It is always hard to go to the gym.

It is always hard to workout.

My body does not change.
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Are you self prescribing or is this from a doctor?

What are your labs, LH and FSH? I and confused on the reference ranges you posted.

Are you Hypogonadal or do you just feel like crap and think you are?
This is from a doctor. I have always felt like shit all my life and unfortunately, this is hypogonadism. I was trying everything without success until I used a testosterone booster back in august. I won't say the name so I won't get banned but it slowed down my SHBG levels.

Mycellum, you are scaring me, I hope that my TRT won't increase my SHBG if it is already very high! I wanted an AI but the doctor told me try without it for a month, knowing that 100mg a week of T is a small dose.
You are scarring me. I hope that a TRT without AI won't increase my SHBG levels. I now it seems very high... and I'm only 27 years old.
My doctor told me to try the TRT without AI because 100 mg of T is still a small dose.
I am sorry I posted what I received from a lab in Canada. I went to a doctor a few months ago in order to know my T levels. This is the only thing they gave me. It seems I was unable to get everything like LH and FSH for example.

I have always felt like crap all my life and unfortunately this hypogonadism. My T levels are low compared to my way of life, diet and age. And I felt so much better once I tried a T booster back in august. This is when I realized that E2 or SHBG was the problem.

My TRT is done with a doctor. Thanks.
Don't be scared, go with the flow with your doc's recommendations. Only thing I'd change is make both injections 0.25ml, no point in one at .30 and one at 0.20.

I think you will have to wait at least three months to let your test levels even out, and to see where that puts your SHBG and E2. I wouldn't sweat the no AI, at 100 mg/wk if you need any at all it will be a low dose.

Any lastly, you are taking a lot of your protein in the form of powder and BCAA's. I love my whey protein shakes, but I try to be cautious how I use them. If you take it on an empty stomach it will pass through your small intestine so fast that you only absorb about 20% or less. I always try to take it with something solid to slow it down. And 10g BCAA's seems like a lot, like double what I would take. So my advice here is eat more real food like meats, less shakes. And when you use the shakes take them with something else solid.
Where you able to find a trt doc? are you feeling any better? please pm me if you need any assistance!