steak a day /need diet gurus advice

mass rookie

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Is there anything unhealthy about eating a steak a day and ground beef but at 2 differnet meals of the day one at 12:00pm and the other at 7:00pm ?

basically can eating grilled red meat every day cause any problems ? Is the body made for eating red meat every day.

You'll be fine, just make sure your other pro/fat meals include EFA's and your diet is clean, and I don't see it causing a problem.
When bulking, I will sometimes eat red meet every couple of hours throughout the day. Yes, there is evidence that too much red meat can be a bad thing. But twice/day, I think you should be good as long as you aren't a fatass.

Supplement with fish oils.
I eat tons of red meat. Beef, buffallo, venisoin :D good stuff bro. I eat red meat usually every day. I try and have some chicken, tuna, salmon, shrimp and stuff like that every now and then. But for the most part its red meat.
I see no problem w/it. Just eat alot of leafy green veggis along w/it.
I also eat red meat just about everyday. Make sure you choose some lean cuts of meat and also eat some fish throughout the week.
red meat is high in saturated fat always trim the fat off and portion control your serve i believe about 215g of red meat is about 45g of protein which would be fine to eat every day.......its when you start eating large 400g pieces youll get into trouble it also takes a while to digest i only eat it at lunch time otherwise itll sit in my gut all night leave at least two hours before a workout otherwise presto ground beef....