stem cells

Anyone heard of or used stem cell??? I have reliable info that a few pros are now turning to it. A dude at my gym literally "blew up" during his work out. Meanig it was very noticable with the size of upper body pump he achived.

I cant seem to find much discussion on this so i figured i would throw out a thread on here to see.
actually i have been on there before thanks. this new the scene and like i said i know for a fact that a former MR O is making a come back and is doing 5 ml of it a day! a source tells me that its best to use around .5 ml and it mixes best with parabolan. not sure why its just what he is told. when mixed you can actually see the DNA swiming around in the solution.

ive seen it done in a bi and the after effect when done training is crazy. the pump is very very noticeble and is kept for a few days. i am told you can do it on one side becaues it spreads out across the upper body if done taken in the upper body.

im just curious because i have not seen hardly any discussions on this subject and most of these threads are way a head of the normal scene which is awesome and keeps everyone safe from harm. im just leary until i read and hear more about it.