Steroid cycle for the powerlifter


New member
Age: 25

Height: 183 CM (72 IN)

Weight: 95 KG (209 LBS)

Body composition: 12-14%

Occupational physical activity: High (lift up to 50 pounds repeatedly, rarely sit, and take lots of stairs.)

Training: Started at 16, became serious at 20 years old. Used a variety of bodybuilding programs throughout the years to build my base and at 24 decided to shift my focus to the arena of powerlifting. Currently training using a West Side Barbell method for the past 4 months.

Squat: 425

Deadlift: 480

Bench: 305

Cycle History: It has been 5 months since my first cycle of Test Enanthate. I ran 660 MG/Wk for 10 weeks and got great gains and appear to have a low potential for sides, just oily skin.

Cycle Goals: Increase strength, work capacity, and fat free mass.

Wk 1-8: Test Prop 30 Mg ED (210 Mg/Wk)
Wk 1-8: Tren Ace 70 Mg ED (490 Mg/Wk)
Wk 3-5: Dbol 40 MG ED

Wk 3-8: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 IU/3D
Wk 1-2: Adex .25 EOD Wk 3-5 Adex 0.5 EOD Wk 6-8 Adex 0.25 EOD
Wk 1-12 Prami 0.25 ED

Begins 4 days after last injection

Wk 1-2 Nolva/Clomid 40/100 ED Wk 3-4 20/50 ED