Steroid Use In Hollywood?


New member
What are your thoughts on steroids in Hollywood. I want to be an actor and I am wondering how many actors even take AAS. I think an obvious one would be Dwayne the rock johnson but it can be hard to tell for the other actors who are just fairly lean but muscular for example zac efron recently got shredded look at these pictures Zac efron looks comparable to scott Herman in these pictures and he is by far my favorite natty bodybuilder on youtube, and I know for a fact efron has not been lifting for 10 years like scott has. I want to be an actor and I know that these guys are pressured to possibly do illegal substances because there is millions of dollars on the table. In my case there is not millions of dollars on the table because I am not famous yet, however I am wondering if starting AAS use would help my chances due to Hollywood having unrealistic standards.
You "think" the rock is on AAS? Oh my lanta people....

I would say if they take anything, it's TRT+HGH. Stims for cutting weight fast for roles, like clen and ephedra.
Absolutely gear is all over Hollywood! It's all over any level of sports and everything! Shit, look at guys even on here that are on gear that don't even compare to celebs. Hgh+trt? What???
Absolutely gear is all over Hollywood! It's all over any level of sports and everything! Shit, look at guys even on here that are on gear that don't even compare to celebs. Hgh+trt? What???

A lot of AAS users don't know shit about bodybuilding, add garbage UGL and you have a recipe for mediocrity.
Lol few friends of mine were having this conversation today about Zac Efron.

Steroids or natty, the dude looks pretty good, put on a lot of lean mass since that Neighbors movie and training with a guy like Dwayne Johnson can only help his cause.
Haha you dont have to be big to be on steroids and not evreybody on steroids wants to be big or a bodybuilder athlete's body builders actors all use aas for different reasons ans diffrent results and half of the guys on youtube ect claiming to be natty are just liers talking shit my brother who lifts evreyday and has done cycles believes ct fletcher is natty becuse he said so on youtube he has bigger arms than franco Colombo a man who ate steroids for breakfast with arnold . What people dont think about is these guys on youtube are sponsord by protein companys pre workouts ect and cant go around telling people what there really on because that would be bad for business with all the negativity around aas witch is all mostly bullshit anyway i could go on and write pages about this but im off to have a sesh like a famous man once said ive got a big ass bottle of test sitting in my office and ive never seen it lift any weight these people claiming to be natural usally arnt or they say there not on steroids but they may be on hgh peptides ect if anybody asked me what i take i would tell them i dont care if they think its cheating they arnt the ones working out for 2 or 3 hours a day any thing that helps you get were you want to be or makes it easier is great in my book
Actors will take/do whatever they can to sign that big contract, whatever it takes. No one tests for it there. There is a fine line as to what you are willing to do to get on the big screen. Think it through.
Steroids are huge everywhere especially in the movie indusrty. I know of no other way to put 15-20lbs muscle on quick.

You have to look the part brother.
What are your thoughts on steroids in Hollywood. I want to be an actor and I am wondering how many actors even take AAS. I think an obvious one would be Dwayne the rock johnson but it can be hard to tell for the other actors who are just fairly lean but muscular for example zac efron recently got shredded look at these pictures Zac efron looks comparable to scott Herman in these pictures and he is by far my favorite natty bodybuilder on youtube, and I know for a fact efron has not been lifting for 10 years like scott has. I want to be an actor and I know that these guys are pressured to possibly do illegal substances because there is millions of dollars on the table. In my case there is not millions of dollars on the table because I am not famous yet, however I am wondering if starting AAS use would help my chances due to Hollywood having unrealistic standards.

Where there's tons of $$$ to be made because of athletic performance or ashtetic visuals... there is AAS... the rock is on gear for sure, the guy that plays thor, the guy that plays captain america, wolverine on and on...
Christian Bale is an awesome example. He went from The Machinest to Batman in like 6 months. He was also beast looking in American Psycho(the character in the book used steroids)

Christian Bale is a method actor, if the character used steroids, he's taking them.
The camera adds to your look and weight and it's all about camera angles and who's in the shot. A ripped 170lb actor can look 200lbs on film. I've been filmed before and I looked like some freak of fuckin nature. Wahlberg for example is not a large man in person. Hes quite short and maybe 160 imo. On camera they make him look like a much larger man.
Some though are just big dudes, the Rock obviously is a big guy.
The camera adds to your look and weight and it's all about camera angles and who's in the shot. A ripped 170lb actor can look 200lbs on film. I've been filmed before and I looked like some freak of fuckin nature. Wahlberg for example is not a large man in person. Hes quite short and maybe 160 imo. On camera they make him look like a much larger man.
Some though are just big dudes, the Rock obviously is a big guy.

Yup, true that, Arnold is actually 5 7' and weighs a buck nine. :)