Steroids can raise LDL: Tocotrienols can lower LDL Cholesterol


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Dear Steroidology Members,

There are many different forms of Vitamin E. However, they aren’t all created equal.

The two main categories, tocotrienols and tocopherols are divided into four sub-categories each; alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. Tocotrienols are far superior to tochopherols when it comes to cardiovascular health benefits. These benefits have been proven in multiple studies and lab tests.

One study was done to show the reduction of LDL cholesterol levels from tocotrienol supplementation. After only 60 days of tocotrienol treatment, subjects showed an average decline of 23, 30, and 42% in serum total lipids, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol, respectively. (1) In the present investigation tocotrienols mediated a reduction of LDL cholesterol levels from an average of 179 mg/dl to 104 mg/dl. (1)

In comparison to other lipid lowering agents, tocotrienols offer many positive side effects. Most of the lipid lowering agents, currently in use in the treatment of dyslipidemia, have a host of negative side effects. In contrast, dietary tocotrienols are Vitamin E complex and have effective lipid lowering property in addition to their potent antioxidant activity.(1)

So I’ve established that tocotrienols have powerful cardiovascular health benefits. But even on this four headed beast that is tocotrienols, one head is high above the rest in this regard – Gamma-tocotrienols are dominantly superior.

In a heads up study between alpha tocotrienol and gamma tocotrienol it was proven that gamma-tocotrienol exhibits a 30-fold greater activity toward inhibiting cholesterol production compared to alpha-tocotrienol in HepG2 cells in vitro. (2)

In conclusion, gamma tocotrienols provide far more benefit to cardiovascular health than any other tocotrienol or tocopherol. At 52mg per serving, Primordial Performances Toco-8 boasts the highest gamma tocotrienol content.

Jim Benvie,
Primordial Performance Marketing


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References –
1. The therapeutic impacts of tocotrienols in type 2 diabetic patients with hyperlipidemia.
Baliarsingh S, et al.
Atherosclerosis 182(2):367-74. (2005)
2. Hypocholesterolemic activity of synthetic and natural tocotrienols.
Pearce BC, et al.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 35(20):3595-606 (1992)
I've been thinking about getting this, but I'd like some input from other member that have tried it.
i have not tried it yet-but have read all about-i will be running the test recovery stack during my PCT for sure
Gamma tocotrienols are great for lowering LDL cholesterol.

Maybe we can get some other members in here to verify the benefits they've received from Toco-8.