I don't necessarily agree about the calories in and calories out. If all of our body tissue was the same then maybe that simple thinking would work, but their are way too many variables to simply call it calories in and calories out. For instance, if I eat a clean diet and lose fat and gain muscle, does that mean that someone else who eats the exact same amount of calories should get the same results? Of course not. Eatting equal calories but higher protein will of course net better results. I feel strongly that I'd rather get my calories from protein and carbs then fat. I eat a very high protein and high carb diet and I am at 6.8% body fat. I eat like a horse, but I don't eat very much fat. I feel that our bodies metabolize the sugar in our blood a lot easier than fat you put into your body. For example, if you eat a lot of fat before you go to the gym, will it increase your work (force*distance) in the gym as much as if you ate a lot of carbs before you go to the gym? In other words, eatting an equal amount of calories of carbs or fat will not have the same result. The carbs will give you energy to lift more, which translates to more calories burnt. The same thing happens on to a smaller extent throughout the day also. Also I don't know for sure, but I am going to guess that eatting different things, or at different times must have an effect on your metabolism.
Is it true if you stop eating after 7pm that its better for you to lose weight? Also does this apply to people who work second shift and get home late?
Absolutely NOT true!! The fastest way to lose BF is to limit your Carbs after 2pm ish (I stop or limit after lunch), and eat Good Fat before bed (last 2 meals) I lost 5% BF in 3 weeks due to this!!
Good Luck
Absolutely NOT true!! The fastest way to lose BF is to limit your Carbs after 2pm ish (I stop or limit after lunch), and eat Good Fat before bed (last 2 meals) I lost 5% BF in 3 weeks due to this!!
Good Luck
The biggest thing that matters is calories in and calories out. Meal timing does not make much of a difference, your body doesn't say "oh shit, its time to sleep, better stop everything and produce fat." As long as you're hitting your calorie goal, it doesn't make much of a difference. I could most likely find some medical journals for you about this if you want to read them
Uh HUH???? Thats why the second I started pigging out protein and Good fat last 2 meals of the day and last one being right before bed I got leaner then I have ever been in my life.... Placebo effect.... right
Absolutely NOT true!! The fastest way to lose BF is to limit your Carbs after 2pm ish (I stop or limit after lunch), and eat Good Fat before bed (last 2 meals) I lost 5% BF in 3 weeks due to this!!
Good Luck
thats not really true. eatign high carb or cal meals are not the best in the later end of day. I would keep it to more protein and fats (some nuts for eg.
A calorie is not just a calorie sorry.
if you eat 80% carbs or 80% protein.... trust me it matters, even if the cals are the same.
you're correct, I was assuming a good ratio would be followed, I agree completely it matters. I should have mentioned this is only given a good ratio, thanks for pointing that out