Stop TRT after 1 injection


New member
I took an injection of testosterone for the first time given by my doctor. I decided I don't want to continue the therapy. I am a little concerned if i need to do something to kick start own production again or what. Maybe 1 injection won't throw off my ability to produce my own testosterone at all?... I honestly have no idea. Is there any concern I should have or any advice in stopping cold turkey after just a single injection? will stopping have any effect at all?

-Not sure how much testosterone he injected me with.
-I'm creeping up on 30 years old
- 6'0 about 205 lbs (male)
(not sure if any of that info was needed, but I provided just in case it helps)
What were your labs looking like that deemed TRT was medically necessary? What reasoning do you have for ceasing it?

If you NEED TRT; you will not recover, but go back to a long, drawn-out death by your various systems crashing. If you truly didn't, I'd hit up SERM therapy (bodybuilding PCT) to try to coax your pituitary back into action.

My .02c :)
6' 205 is prett lean. Why did he give you a testosterone shot? Why are you against it. What going on. Anxiety issues ? Muscle loosing ? Doctors don't give the shots to just anyone. If you need it you should continue with it. We need stats case backround. It will take a few shots and a few weeks to feel better. It you got the flu from the first injection that last a few days and once it has past things will get better.
There was obviously a reason the gave you a test shot??? Based on your original thread it seems like you have no idea where you stand on a medical ect!! I mean as far as we know you went to your doc and was like here is 100 cash I want to start you shooting me up with test!!! Lol jk... It also seems like you obviously wanted or considered starting trt??? I mean what is your explanation for even being there in the first place?? You need to give us a lot more info....:)
I'm new and have not properly introduced myself but a little concerned here so going to reply. It sounds like the prior responses are correct in needing additional information such as finding out what your blood work labs read. What was tested? What were the levels of what was tested? It's good that you are concerned however not knowing this information is concerning such as how much did the doctor inject? From experience I can tell you that it will help to study all that you can on this topic even if on HRT and under a doctors care. I have noticed that some doctors do not appear to be as educated on the topic as I feel they should be. Much information can be learned from places such as this but not providing information needed when asking a question leads me to believe you likely will want to educate yourself more on this topic which will take some time. I would start by getting all the information from your labs and going over it yourself. Find out what the doctor injected you with why and how much? Then provide that information so people may attempt to help you more if needed. When I first started HRT I knew nothing and I regret that. This is serious stuff so please try to learn all you can it will be a wise thing for you to do. Thank you. Hope my advice helps some.