Stopped making gains & taking steps backward in first cycle- Help?


New member
I'll try to keep this as short as possible. First of all, here is the monotonous information about me and my training:
5'5, 27 yr old, Been training on and off for 10+ years however only consistently and seriously (&inclined toward bodybuilding) for the last 4. Currently floating around 182ish pounds in the morning. I started training/dieting for mass around November of last year. I've ran other compounds in the past (Sarms, peptides) and I was using peptides from then on to the first 2 weeks of my Test cycle. I train 6 days a week, Sun:C&B, Mon:Legs, Tue:Arms, Wed:C&B, Th:Legs, Fr:Arms, Sat:off. I usually spend about at least 90 minutes training, I hit abs every day and, if I have the energy I will sculpt at the end of the workout (Say tomorrow isn't leg day, I'll hit some calves, or if tomorrow isnt arms, I'll hit rear delts) I've trained like this for the last 4 years. I have a baseline of ~2,974 Calories (c308, f70, p292) daily which is pretty clean. This is what I eat (at least) every day, every meal counted for. This doesnt include eating out, that could add anywhere from 300-1000 calories onto this. (tacos pizzas and ice cream are a favorite)

And onto my cycle:
I'm currently in the 10th week of my cycle. I started my cycle at 174lbs (12%bf). Test E 250mg x2/week, and for the first 6 weeks I used adex at .25mg e3d and since the 6th week I've been using exemestane eod-e3d at 12.5mg. I added HCG in at the end of the 6th week at 250 iu x2/week. I upped the Test to 250 mg e3d in the 7th week, bringing me to 583mg/week.

What my cycle has been like:
In the 2nd or 3rd week my libido went up. I wanted to throat fuck everything, several times a day. However I can get like this anyways. In the 4th week, I really noticed my upper body strength increased. In the 5th and 6th week I was still waiting for something to "kick in", like I was waiting to see some noticable changes in the mirror, the 3d boulder shoulders I'm working for, the shelf in my upper chest, my legs to just explode. However the added strength in my legs didnt come until the 8th week. And in the 8th week I noticed change in the mirror, I looked fuller, more pumped, and was just excited to see more gains come in the future. However in the 9th week something happened. I was almost to 190 (my goal) and then I lost 5 pounds. like overnight. To make up for this, I ate out every single day last week. And somehow I continued to lose weight, from 187 to 182 this morning.
This week: I look smaller in muscle size, very flat, fatter and libido is just not there. Gone. I'm thinking my libido dropped around week 7-8, but I dont know for sure when.... but I know it's nothing like it was at least today and last week (9th week)

I'm underwhelmed. I get that this isnt a magic pill. However I'm upset that I was so scared to try aas, mainly scared of the hairloss, and then I try the cookie cutter 500mg test e only cycle and this is all I get. I wanted to compete again this year and here I am in the middle of May at 15% bodyfat (or more) and wtf? This time last year I was shredded at 160 lbs and placed 3rd in a Mens Physique comp. I planned to bulk for the first 6 weeks of the compound then do a recomp/"cut" for the 2nd 6 weeks to take advantage of the muscle sparing, and maintain in pct and do another cut in a couple months. However when I got to the 6th week I was so unimpressed I just decided to keep "bulking"
I guess it's just hard for me to build muscle? I'd rather be big and ripped, or small and shredded. Not this inbetween shit. %#$%

My questions:
1.) Why am I losing weight?
2.) Where is my libido?
3.) Am I overtraining? Is that even possible when on test? I mean, I've always trained like this. Training is the fun part to me, but people tell me if I take more rest days I'd grow more but those same guys are overweight and flabby.
4.) Is it the AI? I doubt it...who knows?
5.) Is my diet off?
6.) Where are the superman gains that I was sold on and so sure I would get? Is it gonna take more? Do I need HGH to get those boulder 3d shoulders or what?

And what I've been thinking: Is my shit completely bunk? I've been wondering if maybe the increased libido and strength gains were just psychological and placebo if you will. Maybe a longshot, but I think it's entirely possible for me to have made the aesthetic gains I've made over the last 2 months naturally simply because I have been training my fucking ass off the whole time thinking I'm "on cycle". 8-9 lbs in 2 months compared to the 15, 20 lb gains I read about. Or, if maybe one of the bottles of test enantat were real and the other was fake. ???

Side note:
Next cycle I'm doing tren for real.
Here's my take

My questions:
1.) Why am I losing weight? Don't know

2.) Where is my libido? High E2 killed it

3.) Am I overtraining? Is that even possible when on test? I mean, I've always trained like this. Training is the fun part to me, but people tell me if I take more rest days I'd grow more but those same guys are overweight and flabby. No

4.) Is it the AI? I doubt it...who knows? Yes, exemestane has a short half life so you have to take it every day. At your test dosage I'd guess 12.5mg/day would be a good starting point. Get to a steady state of a couple weeks at that dose then get bloodwork to dial it in.

5.) Is my diet off? Don't know, but doesn't look like it.

6.) Where are the superman gains that I was sold on and so sure I would get? Is it gonna take more? Do I need HGH to get those boulder 3d shoulders or what? Get your E2 under control then go from there. If this cycle underwhelms with proper E2 control, HCG throughout, proper PCT then throw in deca next time and see if that works for you.

I'm no expert on HCG, but was told 250IU twice a week does nothing at all, better off to take 500 once per week, or slightly more. I've started adding 1.4ml to 5,000 IU bottle and taking 0.2ml once per week - just over 700iu once per week.
I'll try to keep this as short as possible. First of all, here is the monotonous information about me and my training:
5'5, 27 yr old, Been training on and off for 10+ years however only consistently and seriously (&inclined toward bodybuilding) for the last 4. Currently floating around 182ish pounds in the morning. I started training/dieting for mass around November of last year. I've ran other compounds in the past (Sarms, peptides) and I was using peptides from then on to the first 2 weeks of my Test cycle. I train 6 days a week, Sun:C&B, Mon:Legs, Tue:Arms, Wed:C&B, Th:Legs, Fr:Arms, Sat:off. I usually spend about at least 90 minutes training, I hit abs every day and, if I have the energy I will sculpt at the end of the workout (Say tomorrow isn't leg day, I'll hit some calves, or if tomorrow isnt arms, I'll hit rear delts) I've trained like this for the last 4 years. I have a baseline of ~2,974 Calories (c308, f70, p292) daily which is pretty clean. This is what I eat (at least) every day, every meal counted for. This doesnt include eating out, that could add anywhere from 300-1000 calories onto this. (tacos pizzas and ice cream are a favorite)

And onto my cycle:
I'm currently in the 10th week of my cycle. I started my cycle at 174lbs (12%bf). Test E 250mg x2/week, and for the first 6 weeks I used adex at .25mg e3d and since the 6th week I've been using exemestane eod-e3d at 12.5mg. I added HCG in at the end of the 6th week at 250 iu x2/week. I upped the Test to 250 mg e3d in the 7th week, bringing me to 583mg/week.

What my cycle has been like:
In the 2nd or 3rd week my libido went up. I wanted to throat fuck everything, several times a day. However I can get like this anyways. In the 4th week, I really noticed my upper body strength increased. In the 5th and 6th week I was still waiting for something to "kick in", like I was waiting to see some noticable changes in the mirror, the 3d boulder shoulders I'm working for, the shelf in my upper chest, my legs to just explode. However the added strength in my legs didnt come until the 8th week. And in the 8th week I noticed change in the mirror, I looked fuller, more pumped, and was just excited to see more gains come in the future. However in the 9th week something happened. I was almost to 190 (my goal) and then I lost 5 pounds. like overnight. To make up for this, I ate out every single day last week. And somehow I continued to lose weight, from 187 to 182 this morning.
This week: I look smaller in muscle size, very flat, fatter and libido is just not there. Gone. I'm thinking my libido dropped around week 7-8, but I dont know for sure when.... but I know it's nothing like it was at least today and last week (9th week)

I'm underwhelmed. I get that this isnt a magic pill. However I'm upset that I was so scared to try aas, mainly scared of the hairloss, and then I try the cookie cutter 500mg test e only cycle and this is all I get. I wanted to compete again this year and here I am in the middle of May at 15% bodyfat (or more) and wtf? This time last year I was shredded at 160 lbs and placed 3rd in a Mens Physique comp. I planned to bulk for the first 6 weeks of the compound then do a recomp/"cut" for the 2nd 6 weeks to take advantage of the muscle sparing, and maintain in pct and do another cut in a couple months. However when I got to the 6th week I was so unimpressed I just decided to keep "bulking"
I guess it's just hard for me to build muscle? I'd rather be big and ripped, or small and shredded. Not this inbetween shit. %#$%

My questions:
1.) Why am I losing weight?
2.) Where is my libido?
3.) Am I overtraining? Is that even possible when on test? I mean, I've always trained like this. Training is the fun part to me, but people tell me if I take more rest days I'd grow more but those same guys are overweight and flabby.
4.) Is it the AI? I doubt it...who knows?
5.) Is my diet off?
6.) Where are the superman gains that I was sold on and so sure I would get? Is it gonna take more? Do I need HGH to get those boulder 3d shoulders or what?

And what I've been thinking: Is my shit completely bunk? I've been wondering if maybe the increased libido and strength gains were just psychological and placebo if you will. Maybe a longshot, but I think it's entirely possible for me to have made the aesthetic gains I've made over the last 2 months naturally simply because I have been training my fucking ass off the whole time thinking I'm "on cycle". 8-9 lbs in 2 months compared to the 15, 20 lb gains I read about. Or, if maybe one of the bottles of test enantat were real and the other was fake. ???

Side note:
Next cycle I'm doing tren for real.
Find what works for u
Maybe less time in the gym and more rest
Everyone is different but for.myself I seem to do better with 45 min of trainint and out and eat away
Maybe 4 days a week at most and use to spend 6 or 7 days a week in the gym and progress was sub par
Again u will get mixed answers regarding how much time.spent in the gym but u have to experiment yourself and find out what works for u
Same with dieting some.dudes do great on higher carbs but.myseld.i seem to do better on higher protein, higher fat and keeping my carbs low even if I am cutting or bulking
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