Studies/ Anecdotal numbers for prevalence of acne for test e cycle


New member
Hi guys. Newbie here.
I just got test e for a 12 week cycle, with arimidex and nolvadex.

I have had acne as a kid and even though my skin is pretty much OK, whenever I do get something, I go berserk :/

I know, the obvious answer is, Don't touch steroids then! but I've been plateauing in gym for a f!@#$%ing long time and I've been thinking about doing a cycle for years...

I wanted to know, what would you say is the prevalence (%) of acne side effects with test e.
When you google it, you get quite a lot of guys asking for help with bad acne, but you can't judge by that, as all you see are those bad cases; that is, guys who don't get acne, don't go online to ask.

A buddy sent me a link to a study that said it's 60% for 500 test/ week
and 15% for 250 test/ week.

Are there any studies? Anecdotal surveys? Anything?

Is it, like, pretty much everyone gets it to a degree or it's just some unlucky dudes... or it's a crapshoot?
Age please.

AAS affect all in a unigue manner but I feel safe in saying they can often exacerbate a condition u may have had or cause it to return and then maybe not.

My answer was vague but the studie s are usually loosely interpretated.

Remember some anti dep. commercial s end w the disclaimer " May increase risk of suicide or death. " Only rx co s and the lobbiest s main goal of mo money could pull that one off.

And the law makers sweat gun control and airbag failure s in million s of cars ? My airbags were in the batch for recall so I disabled them. No desire for a 12 gauge round essentially killing my fahrwegnugen buzz , savvy ?

Again. Age please and welcome.
If you get acne already testosterone will definitely make it worse your going to want to really stay on top of your blood work and make sure your estrogen is in check by using an AI such as arimidex. If you have maxed out your gains and feel you can't go any further I recommend getting a nutritionist like 3j who you can find on here in the diet section.

It's hard to control acne while on cycle if your prone to it the only things that really help are managing estrogen, acne medication, a healthy diet, and tanning. If you really hate acne that much and already get it I would avoid steroids because chances are it will get worse.
If you plan on cycling I recommend you add in some hcg through out your cycle, and clomid to compliment your nolvadex during pct. If your under 25 I highly recommend not cycling yet for multiple reasons one of the main ones being that your at a higher risk of not fully recovering your natural testosterone levels after your cycle.