Study on SARM like effect of low tren


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Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Apr;300(4):E650-60. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00440.2010. Epub 2011 Jan 25.

17***946;-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone) exhibits tissue selective anabolic activity: effects on muscle, bone, adiposity, hemoglobin, and prostate.

Yarrow JF1, Conover CF, McCoy SC, Lipinska JA, Santillana CA, Hance JM, Cannady DF, VanPelt TD, Sanchez J, Conrad BP, Pingel JE, Wronski TJ, Borst SE.


Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) now under development can protect against muscle and bone loss without causing prostate growth or polycythemia. 17***946;-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone), a potent testosterone analog, may have SARM-like actions because, unlike testosterone, trenbolone does not undergo tissue-specific 5***945;-reduction to form more potent androgens. We tested the hypothesis that trenbolone-enanthate (TREN) might prevent orchiectomy-induced losses in muscle and bone and visceral fat accumulation without increasing prostate mass or resulting in adverse hemoglobin elevations. Male F344 rats aged 3 mo underwent orchiectomy or remained intact and were administered graded doses of TREN, supraphysiological testosterone-enanthate, or vehicle for 29 days. In both intact and orchiectomized animals, all TREN doses and supraphysiological testosterone-enanthate augmented androgen-sensitive levator ani/bulbocavernosus muscle mass by 35-40% above shams (P ***8804; 0.001) and produced a dose-dependent partial protection against orchiectomy-induced total and trabecular bone mineral density losses (P < 0.05) and visceral fat accumulation (P < 0.05). The lowest doses of TREN successfully maintained prostate mass and hemoglobin concentrations at sham levels in both intact and orchiectomized animals, whereas supraphysiological testosterone-enanthate and high-dose TREN elevated prostate mass by 84 and 68%, respectively (P < 0.01). In summary, low-dose administration of the non-5***945;-reducible androgen TREN maintains prostate mass and hemoglobin concentrations near the level of shams while producing potent myotrophic actions in skeletal muscle and partial protection against orchiectomy-induced bone loss and visceral fat accumulation. Our findings indicate that TREN has advantages over supraphysiological testosterone and supports the need for future preclinical studies examining the viability of TREN as an option for androgen replacement therapy.

The use of the anabolic steroid trenbolone has a long history in the bodybuilding but it has never really been considered a steroid suitable for therapeutic use in medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved tren for use in humans. The media has often demonized it as a dangerous veterinarian steroid never intended for human use. However, the perception of trenbolone may soon change with the publication of a favorable study in a major scientific journal.

Joshua Yarrow and his colleagues at the University of Florida feel that trenbolone may be a viable alternative to testosterone for androgen replacement therapy. They are set to publish their study results in the February 2011 issue of the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism.

The researchers report that trenbolone enanthate may have certain advantages over testosterone that may make it an appealing treatment option for some individuals. Bodybuilders may be familiar with many of these findings.

Trenbolone is not adversely affected by the aromatase or 5-alpha reductase enzymes that metabolize testosterone into estradiol and dihydrotestosterone, respectively. Bodybuilders have enjoyed tren for years precisely because they are able to avoid steroid side effects related to estrogen and DHT.

Yarrow reports that low-dose trenbolone enanthate effectively produces anabolic effects in muscle size and partially maintains bone mineral density without causing prostate enlargement or polycythemia in castrated laboratory rats.

Supraphysiological dosages of testosterone enanthate were required to produce anabolic effects similar to low-dose trenbolone administration. However, negative side effects of prostate enlargement and elevated hemoglobin became problematic at this dose of testosterone.

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) may be the current darlings of scientific research into alternative options for androgen replacement therapy, but University of Florida researchers are excited by the “SARM-like potential” of trenbolone.

They suggest that the actions of trenbolone are similar to selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Low-dose trenbolone is called “SARM-like” because of the positive anabolic effects in muscle and bone without negative side androgenic side effects of prostate enlargement or polycythemia.

Trenbolone may have benefits over testosterone in terms of androgen receptor activation, the upregulation of growth factors such as IGF-1 and fibroblast growth factor, and anticatabolic mechanisms.

Competitive bodybuilders have often preferred using trenbolone in the weeks prior to a bodybuilding competition due to its purported effects at accelerating fat loss.

The current study confirmed that trenbolone has more potent lipolytic effects on visceral adipose tissue than testosterone milligram per milligram. Furthermore, visceral fat loss increased in a dose-dependent manner with trenbolone. In other words, the more tren used, the greater the fat loss.

Trenbolone’s lack of aromatization, while generally desirable, has often been problematic for bodybuilders who have used trenbolone as the only steroid in a cycle. Therefore, most bodybuilders include an aromatizable steroid such as testosterone or Dianabol in their trenbolone steroid stacks.

Researchers also recognize that the lack of aromatization could be a potential problem if trenbolone is used alone in androgen replacement therapy. In their study, trenbolone only provided a partial bone protective effect when administered to castrated rats. The authors attribute this to the non-aromatizable nature of trenbolone.

They conclude that low-dose trenbolone enanthate treatment has SARM-like effects on muscle/fat body com********** Androgen replacement therapy with low-dose trenbolone could potentially produce anabolic gains comparable to supraphysiological testosterone treatment without the associated side effects. The therapeutic risk-benefit profile of low-dose trenbolone appears superior to supraphysiological testosterone treatment; however, additional research into this treatment option is necessary.

The researchers should be applauded for dispassionately and objectively researching the potential of trenbolone in androgen replacement therapy. Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that has been demonized more than others due to its limited use (in pellet implants used by veterinarians to increase muscle growth in livestock). Fortunately, they looked past the political stigma associated with trenbolone to revisit a therapeutic use for an old steroid.

Special thanks to Michael Scally, M.D. for his diligence in staying on top of anabolic steroid medical research and sharing this study with MESO-Rx.

Yarrow JF et. al. 7{beta}-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (Trenbolone) Exhibits Tissue Selective Anabolic Activity: Effects on Muscle, Bone, Adiposity, Hemoglobin, and Prostate. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Tren instead of testosterone for TRT? Uhhhmm, those researchers need to go back to the drawing board. Not only is tren quite toxic, but it can't fit certain receptors that are intended for testosterone, like the adrenals and thyroid.

I wonder how they can call it SARM-like just because it doesn't aromatize or is subject to 5a reductase. Of course it isn't, it's already reduced from nandrolone lol.

As much as I'd love to see tren brought out of abandoned status, there's just no way they could given the side effects, and need for actual testosterone.

Interesting how they mention a ground breaking study from 2011, yet there never was one. :(
I had to re read it. No ground breaking study?
Is this just a big fake of a write up?

I think they were working with another group, and hoped that the other study would be released to back up their data. It happens often, where one group counts on another to add validity to their claims, but is often left standing with their peepee in their hands.

They do have real science for their claims, it's just that they (like many papers) gloss over things that are pretty important to the big picture. Like oral testosterone was supposed to be the next big thing, but they couldn't get past the fact that the liver likes to take more than its fair share, and the only way around it is to make it really toxic or bump the dose up crazy high.

Still good information though. :)
I think andriol passes through the lymphatic system. But good luck getting your hands on some and on getting a loan
I think andriol passes through the lymphatic system. But good luck getting your hands on some and on getting a loan

I wasn't aware that's how they bypassed it, but look at the doses!

Merck said:
Recommended Dose and Dosage Adjustment
Usually, a daily dosage of 120-160 mg divided in two doses, taken once in the morning and once
in the evening for 2-3 weeks is adequate. Subsequent dosage (40-120mg daily) should be based
on the subsequent testosterone levels and/or clinical effect obtained during therapy.

And just to give a citation showing you're right:

Merck said:
Mechanism of Action
Testosterone undecanoate, an orally active testosterone preparation, is a fatty acid ester of the
natural androgen testosterone. Unlike other oral testosterone preparations, testosterone
undecanoate is able to by-pass the liver via the lymphatic system and is therefore orally
Therapy with testosterone undecanoate increases plasma levels of testosterone and its active
metabolites, leading to a regular therapeutic effect. In eugonadal men, peak testosterone levels
are reached approximately 4-5 hours after ingestion, returning to basal levels after about
10 hours. In volunteers and hypogonadal men, 77-93% of an orally administered dose of
testosterone undecanoate was excreted in the urine and faeces within 3 to 4 days.1
(testosterone undecanoate dissolved in a mixture of castor oil and propylene glycol
monolaurate) has been found to exhibit comparable testosterone bioavailability to Andriol®
(testosterone undecanoate in oleic acid).
Andriol® delivers physiologic amounts of testosterone, producing circulating testosterone levels
that approximate normal levels (e.g. 10.4-34.6 nmol/L [300-1000 ng/dL]) seen in young healthy

I'm really interested in how they did that as the big difference is the carrier from what I understand. Neat info though. :)

Oh, the source is a pdf from their site at:

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I wasn't aware that's how they bypassed it, but look at the doses!

And just to give a citation showing you're right:

I'm really interested in how they did that as the big difference is the carrier from what I understand. Neat info though. :)

Oh, the source is a pdf from their site at:


I'm pretty sure it's what Lance Armstrong was using all those years. I remember reading a story that said they had it in their olive oil bottles in the kitchens of their hotel rooms...those sneaky cyclist dopers...Mmm andriol salad