SUBCUTANEOUS cycle: Test + Boldenone


New member
Well, after a good amount of reading I've decided to give a try to a Test + EQ cycle with the particularity it will be done through subcutaneous injections.

Why SubQ? First off, out of curiosity, this is going to be my 6th cycle, and I still having IM-anxiety (yes, I know, grow a pair and blah blah blah) so after crossing a while ago with a couple of papers researching on the properties of SubQ Test injections and seen its results (more stable release of testosterone, slower though) I want to give it a try.

Second, I've been lately researching HRT forums and trans-gender (woman to male) and it seems that more and more endocrinologists are letting up to their patients the way the want to inject their testosterone (IM or SQ) without any major issues.
Same thing happens with EQ which is well documented how it works SubQ on its original purpouse targets (plain talk, animals).

I would ideally start on April the 25th, so I'm going to post the cycle I'm planning to do, so you may give me ideas, thoughts, changes... I won't use any oral so I'll be able to properly judge the work SubQ steroids are doing.

Only thing I'm concerned is about anastrozole use, as it's the first time I'm going to use it (fan of provi + nolva so far), so I'd really appreciate your inputs here (should I have have in hand some nolva just in case?).
As per the injections I would rotate place injection, 3ml (in 3 pins) on Monday, plus 3ml (in another 3) on Thursday, I'll adapt this protocol if necessary and let you know.

So here we go:

Testosterone enanthate: 750ml x week (Weeks 1-12)
Boldenone undecylenate: 600ml x week (Weeks 1-12)
Winstrol Depot: 50ml EOD (Weeks 10-14)
Anastrozole: 0.5mg EOD (Weeks 2-14)
HCG: 500IU x week (Weeks 2-15)

Typical PCT based on clomiphene and nolva.

I believed I've said it all. :)
Ohh man, 1ml injects subq?

No... Just no.

You're free to find out why my response is as it is, but ANYTHING over 0.5ml is going to leave a gnarly lump, and potentially trigger hyperlipotrophy (fatty growth). It's not going to feel very good, is going to take an eternity to pin PROPERLY at that dose, and look really bad as bruising is often a result.

The reason why you're seeing this on TRT forums is because the dosing is drastically smaller. Also, proviron with nolva is not a substitute for an AI, at all.

Regarding adex, I can't tell you if your dose is sufficient as we don't know how you react to testosterone, but that would be a good starting place.

Winstrol and EQ; may I ask what your goal is here? Pre-contest prep, I hope?

My 0.02c :)
Thanks for the info halfwit.

The fact of using an AI is just that I've got it, I'm just trying to avoid gyne. I don't really get the part of "proviron with nolva is not a substitute for an AI". I know they work in a different level just trying to avoid gyne during the cycle.

I can't really talk about subQ injection, I've tolerated pretty well 0,5ml, and I get people using more than 1ml for insuline (truth is: water-based), and until 1ml of T in gender reassignenment without any problem. Anyway I'm starting injecting 0,5 of each to see if there's any sort of reaction.

I've used EQ before with good gains and Winstrol Depot when cutting calories. Let me know what you think. :)
Thanks for the info halfwit.

The fact of using an AI is just that I've got it, I'm just trying to avoid gyne. I don't really get the part of "proviron with nolva is not a substitute for an AI". I know they work in a different level just trying to avoid gyne during the cycle.

I can't really talk about subQ injection, I've tolerated pretty well 0,5ml, and I get people using more than 1ml for insuline (truth is: water-based), and until 1ml of T in gender reassignenment without any problem. Anyway I'm starting injecting 0,5 of each to see if there's any sort of reaction.

I've used EQ before with good gains and Winstrol Depot when cutting calories. Let me know what you think. :)

I pin between 6 and 10 times a day,and I know from experience (most of it is subq, as I'm a diabetic) that doses over 0.5ml are going to likely give you a case of the lumps. It's just the nature of the beast in that the subq layer has poor circulation compared to IM, so depots designed for IM often do have issues at larger doses.

You're looking at doing 6cc per week, right? (assuming the winstrol is oral, otherwise, 10cc) At about 5 minutes (yes, literally) per pin, you're looking at about an hour per week of sitting there with a needle in your belly/thighs. If you try to force the oil in, you'll cause damage to the soft tissues, so these pins are going to take some time. This is one of the main drawbacks of subcutaneous injections, in that it's very time consuming with large doses, and is why you'll pretty much ONLY see it in TRT threads.

An AI (six cycles in..?) reduces the amount of estradiol your body converts from testosterone and other aromatizeable hormones. This is the hormone that causes gyno, but that's frankly the LEAST of what estradiol can do.

I really suggest you read the FAQ sticky at the top of the forum actually. Instead of regurgitating what the threads inside the FAQ have to say, I'll just point you in that direction. :)

Regarding winstrol; you're aware that winny just removes water weight, right? If this is intended to be a cut, I just think you have picked odd compounds to do the job. Especially as EQ is known to increase appetite.

Anyhoo, please let us know how this goes for you, or if you have any particular questions. :)
Thanks man. The question about the AI is just because I've never use it, 'til now I've only used provi + nolva with (so far) no major issues. I've just got arimidex this time. I'm giving a read to the FAQ section. Thanks again. ;)
Plz Google bd 305536 syringes. .5ml 27g lossless tip intradermal bevel. I've played with large subq doses and they'll work well for what you're planning.

I am lucky in that I seem to tolerate large subq injections very well. I've injected up to .65ml subq in legs no problem. In stomach .5-.6 is no issue. I have rotated in a crazy fashion: upper ab muscle (location, not into the muscle) , middle, bottom, thigh near hip crease just to the right of peak, peak, outside of peak, upper glute. That's seven spots left and right sides, so when doing that I didn't inject the same spot for two weeks.

Right now I'm not using abs and have two spots on my upper glute for a total of 5 sites each side of my body.

Make up a rotation of sites and try to keep volume to .5 or .55 tops. The syringe I suggested is a very fast draw and inject.
Plz Google bd 305536 syringes. .5ml 27g lossless tip intradermal bevel. I've played with large subq doses and they'll work well for what you're planning.

I am lucky in that I seem to tolerate large subq injections very well. I've injected up to .65ml subq in legs no problem. In stomach .5-.6 is no issue. I have rotated in a crazy fashion: upper ab muscle (location, not into the muscle) , middle, bottom, thigh near hip crease just to the right of peak, peak, outside of peak, upper glute. That's seven spots left and right sides, so when doing that I didn't inject the same spot for two weeks.

Right now I'm not using abs and have two spots on my upper glute for a total of 5 sites each side of my body.

Make up a rotation of sites and try to keep volume to .5 or .55 tops. The syringe I suggested is a very fast draw and inject.

Great advice, but now would you do subq with 10ml per week of oil? :)
I accidently did SQ in my thigh (nerves got the best of me)..the area above my knee got burning hot, red, tender, and swelled up (doubled in size). couldn't walk so went to the dr. the next day. Dr. diagnosed me with Cellulitis (basically staph on inside) in that leg. So, my opinion and my experience...IM is only way to go!!!
Great advice, but now would you do subq with 10ml per week of oil? :)

I would change my name to pincushion. ;).

It's probably doable though. I've found that subq works well in many places. He'd be taking 3 shots a day instead of my one, but it could be managed. And if it does bruise it doesn't keep him from training. Pip in fat is more easily ignored than a deep muscle soreness.

I had some vaccinations in my shoulders not too long ago and I couldn't lift my arms overhead. I know this is different, but something about that pain deep down in the muscle really affects me.
I accidently did SQ in my thigh (nerves got the best of me)..the area above my knee got burning hot, red, tender, and swelled up (doubled in size). couldn't walk so went to the dr. the next day. Dr. diagnosed me with Cellulitis (basically staph on inside) in that leg. So, my opinion and my experience...IM is only way to go!!!

It's not the same doing a wrong IM injection ended up in a like-SQ, than a SQ itself. With my first IM injection in my right quadriceps I got a little atrophy that stills remain...

Thanks for all your advice guys. I'll keep you posted.
I would change my name to pincushion. ;).

It's probably doable though. I've found that subq works well in many places. He'd be taking 3 shots a day instead of my one, but it could be managed. And if it does bruise it doesn't keep him from training. Pip in fat is more easily ignored than a deep muscle soreness.

I had some vaccinations in my shoulders not too long ago and I couldn't lift my arms overhead. I know this is different, but something about that pain deep down in the muscle really affects me.

As far as I can do it safely in terms of infection, etc. I don't really care about PIP and bruising. I've got horrible PIP -truth said, with UG labs- and bruising in my butt injecting IM.