Sust 250 cycle advice? First timer here


New member
Have a question guys I'm on my 3rd day of my cycle Im running sust 250 at .125 mg eod which is .5 ml eod. I'm running dbol at 30mg a day for the first 4 weeks. Have anastrozol on hand if I need it and running nolva clomid as my pct 2 weeks after last shot.

Here is my question: Is .125 mg of sust 250 every other day enough or do I need to bump this does up? This is my first cycle

Eating is on point 6-7 meals a day 50-60 grams of protein per meal 60-80 grams of carbs a meal.
You need to run the adex not have it on hand. What is your sust dosed at? Giving ML's without hormone concentration says nothing. Nolva and clomid pct is good, but you got some more studying to do bud.

Edit sust 250 I did not notice somehow
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Sust 250 so it's 250mg per ml

I have the adex on hand so should I start .25 eod?

I know I'm not an expert and could do a little more studying but I believe I'm at a better start than most first timers.
Sust 250 so it's 250mg per ml

I have the adex on hand so should I start .25 eod?

I know I'm not an expert and could do a little more studying but I believe I'm at a better start than most first timers.

OK you did write sust 250 many times but you also wrote .125 mg I assume you just meant 125mg, it's early man lol. That dosage of adex is fine. You will most likely need more when running dbol. Also consider running hcg as it will aid in recovery. I would personally stick to the sust only for the cycle but if you want the dbol then go for it.
Yes sorry about that I'm taking 125mg eod of sust 250 that is dosed at 250mg per ml lol sorry for the confusion. 125mg mon, 125mg wed, 125mg fri, sun, tues etc etc. This sound like a good enough does? I've seen where guys are running 250mg eod that's why I ask.

I will pick up som hcg thanks for the fast reply brother.
I would run 150 mg eod for a first cycle but 125 will do fine for you. 250 mg eod of test is a fairly large dose. I am running 750 WK now and I am not in a rush to go too much higher. Good luck bud.