Hello, i'm 18, 210 lbs bodyweight, 10.42% BF
this will be my second cycle i will be posting up pictures as well as progress each week to keep everything up to date .
My first cycle started on my 18th birthday in march and consisted of just Test E 500mg/week and nolvadex on hand and post cycle therapy (pct). I ran Test E for 8 weeks and seen very good results i gained a good 30 lbs of lean mass in conclusion to the nolvadex.
Second cycle. Have already grabbed 3 vials of sust250, 2 vials of deca350, 2 bottles of dbol 100 tabs @ 10mg ea.
Here's a little run down on how i plan on running it all. 500mg Sustanon (sust) a week(have not decided yet to go 2x a week(250mg) or every other day(smaller dose) 12 weeks, 400mg deca(200mg x2 a week) 10 weeks, 6 dbols a day for 5-6 weeks. i'm not starting for another 2 weeks, but i'm not sure what AE and post cycle therapy (pct) i should have on hand any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
this will be my second cycle i will be posting up pictures as well as progress each week to keep everything up to date .
My first cycle started on my 18th birthday in march and consisted of just Test E 500mg/week and nolvadex on hand and post cycle therapy (pct). I ran Test E for 8 weeks and seen very good results i gained a good 30 lbs of lean mass in conclusion to the nolvadex.
Second cycle. Have already grabbed 3 vials of sust250, 2 vials of deca350, 2 bottles of dbol 100 tabs @ 10mg ea.
Here's a little run down on how i plan on running it all. 500mg Sustanon (sust) a week(have not decided yet to go 2x a week(250mg) or every other day(smaller dose) 12 weeks, 400mg deca(200mg x2 a week) 10 weeks, 6 dbols a day for 5-6 weeks. i'm not starting for another 2 weeks, but i'm not sure what AE and post cycle therapy (pct) i should have on hand any suggestions would be greatly appreciated