first hello i am new here as a poster but have read a ton of threads. i am requesting someone to look at the cycle i plan to run for an upcoming competition. im 29 and have run several cycles of tren and test but now want to try a different combo stack.
week 1-12 sustanon 750mg a week
week 1-12 EQ 600mg a week
week 1-12 tren e 400mg a week
will have arimeidex on hand. running nolvadex or clomid and hcg for pct.
I am wanting to gain steength and get mor definition. any advice on the cycle would be great and would help me allot.
week 1-12 sustanon 750mg a week
week 1-12 EQ 600mg a week
week 1-12 tren e 400mg a week
will have arimeidex on hand. running nolvadex or clomid and hcg for pct.
I am wanting to gain steength and get mor definition. any advice on the cycle would be great and would help me allot.