sust/tren e/eq


New member
first hello i am new here as a poster but have read a ton of threads. i am requesting someone to look at the cycle i plan to run for an upcoming competition. im 29 and have run several cycles of tren and test but now want to try a different combo stack.

week 1-12 sustanon 750mg a week
week 1-12 EQ 600mg a week
week 1-12 tren e 400mg a week

will have arimeidex on hand. running nolvadex or clomid and hcg for pct.

I am wanting to gain steength and get mor definition. any advice on the cycle would be great and would help me allot.
Should have some caber/prami on hand in case some prolactin problems arise.

ok like I said im not new to this but i have never had any gyno problems. I am wondering which of these compounds will cause prolactin issues? would taking 0.25mg adex eod help prevent them?
ok like I said im not new to this but i have never had any gyno problems. I am wondering which of these compounds will cause prolactin issues? would taking 0.25mg adex eod help prevent them?

tren. you need caber for tren. .5 e3d.
ok so i am using tren ace not tren E.

I am going to run the cycle for 16 weeks and want to know how this schedule looks for pinning and get any advice on pct, use of hcg or anything else. I have ran tren ace with test on my last cycle and didnt experience in sides of gyno or prolactin ( did get tren dick once or twice :)

so going to run 250 sust/100 tren A on monday, wed, friday
300 eq on tuesday and thursday.

please any help on setting up this pinning schedule would help me out tremendously.

want to use 750 sust, 300 trenA and 600 eq weekly.