Sust/Tren/mast Cycle help!


New member
Hey guys im new to this forum And have a few questions on my upcoming cycle.

Im thinking of going on a sus/tren/masteron as a cutting cycle.

I need tips. My first cycle wasn't so great

Have a great day. Thanks to all

Age:20 turn 21 in 2 months
Height : 6'0
Weight: 218 pounds
Bf%: around the 17% or so

I have about 2 years almost 3 weight lifting and have been playing basketball since I was in middle school.

What should be my dosage and should I take test e instead of sust ? Let me know

My first cycle was
Test e- 300mg twice a week m/t weeks 1-12
Then I added tren 6-12 at 100mg 3 times a week

PCT on that cycle was nolvadex for 3 weeks

And for this PCT on the upcoming cycle would prob be the same n olvadex or Clomid

And sust has a combination of all test and some are fast acting and some are slow.

So let me know what you think I could post some pics up also. And my overall goal is to drop body fat while maintaining my muscle I want to get around the single digits body fat
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Stats (weight height bf% age)
Training history
Cycle history
Specific goals for this cycle (drop 4% bf, 170lb weight class, etc)

What AI & PCT are you planning on using?

Why would you go with sust over test C or E?
I was looking to run a cycle like this for my cut but using another test instead of masteron. Let me know how it goes if you decide to do it.
Age:20 turn 21 in 2 months
Height : 6'0
Weight: 218 pounds
Bf%: around the 17% or so

I have about 2 years almost 3 weight lifting and have been playing basketball since I was in middle school.

My first cycle was
Test e- 300mg twice a week m/t weeks 1-12
Then I added tren 6-12 at 100mg 3 times a week

PCT on that cycle was nolvadex for 3 weeks

And for this PCT on the upcoming cycle would prob be the same n olvadex or Clomid

And sust has a combination of all test and some are fast acting and some are slow.

So let me know what you think I could post some pics up also. And my overall goal is to drop body fat while maintaining my muscle I want to get around the single digits body fat
Stats (weight height bf% age)
Training history
Cycle history
Specific goals for this cycle (drop 4% bf, 170lb weight class, etc)

What AI & PCT are you planning on using?

Why would you go with sust over test C or E?

Age:20 turn 21 in 2 months
Height : 6'0
Weight: 218 pounds
Bf%: around the 17% or so

I have about 2 years almost 3 weight lifting and have been playing basketball since I was in middle school.

My first cycle was
Test e- 300mg twice a week m/t weeks 1-12
Then I added tren 6-12 at 100mg 3 times a week

PCT on that cycle was nolvadex for 3 weeks

And for this PCT on the upcoming cycle would prob be the same n olvadex or Clomid

And sust has a combination of all test and some are fast acting and some are slow.

So let me know what you think I could post some pics up also. And my overall goal is to drop body fat while maintaining my muscle I want to get around the single digits body fat
What went wrong with your first cycle? Snow had more questions that need to be answered for us to help you

I didnt get any side effects or anything it went work as in I didnt see much gains and my buddy down there wasn't hard like crazy how many people tell me they get. It was alsso my diet at the moment wasn't my best. But it wasn't a horrible cycle
why are you on AAS at the age of 20? i think u shouldn't touch gear for sometime , eat clean and then start again in your late 20s.
Im doing the same, sust/tren/mast cycle.. Just started 2 weeks ago
2cc of mast eod
1cc tren p eod
1.5cc sust ever 3rd day

what diet plan should I use??

Im 34yo
6'4 230lbs
A few red flags here. First off test is test. if you want to get super technical and nit picky (like I know some are) then test C and E have a lower overall MG load then the shorter esters but were talking like 10mgs difference. Anyway my point is if you were taking 600 test E before then I would match that with 600 of the sust. So find out if its sust 300? 400? 500? then pin accordingly. I would pin sust 3 times a week this mix was developed to maintain consistent blood levels so it could be dosed like every 12 days for trt purposes, but for body building purposes you need to pin it at least twice a week.

Second, Tren on a first cycle? Not a good idea. Don't touch tren until you have run everything else first. You don't need it and it will do more harm than good at this point. I'm guessing some gym rat told you to run it at the end of your cycle and you would get shredded as "faurq Braah" am I right?

Third, if you ran 600 of test and saw nothing then it was cooking oil and not test. At your age you should have blown up unless you are literally not eating.

My advise to you is focus on your training. Clean up the diet. Learn how much you need to eat to lose fat. Count your macros and bring that BF down to 12% or so then find a reliable source for good test and run it at 500mg a week with 12.5 aromasin ED and HCG at 250iu 3 times a week. Easy peasy. Then learn how test feels on your body run it again at 750 a week learn to manage your E levels, get even tighter on the diet. then add Dbol and NPP with the test at 500. But now were talking like 2 years down the road. Think more marathon and less 100 yd dash.

Good luck
If i was u i wouldnt use sust takes to damn long to clear because of the decanoate ester in it..cyp or E is better for cycling imo..also your pct sucks..learn how to use hcg u can either run it at 250iu twice a week on cycle or blast it at the end of the cycle..A good pct should be clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/40/40..Also using tren on your first cycle was a bad move..Nobody should touch tren untill u have atleast 3-5 cycles under your belt..besides all that tren mast test was my favorite cycle..I would also throw in some var it goes great with all the other compounds your using.good luck and keep the diet clean.Also i dont see any AI or caber in your cycle..very important to have that on hand..Im a big fan of aromasin if u cant get that get adex.Good luck and lift hard and smart..tren will make u so strong that u may injure yourself so lift smart
one more thing i forgot to mention is your bf is kinda high..If u can drop the bf before the cycle the results will be so much better..You always wanna go into the cycle already in good shape so u stay ahead instead of catching up.