Sust250 cycle questions


New member
Hi i am going to run this cycle. any advice or help would be appreciated. this is my first cycle.

sust250mg x2 week for 10 weeks
3 weeks after last pin nolvadex 40/40/20/20

28 years old.
11% bf
training for 2 years

my question is should I run clomid alongside nolva for my PCT?
If I do will I retain more from my cycle or will I recover quicker?
Whats the benefit or doing both and is it really necessary for a 10 week sust250 cycle?

thank you
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I would not run a cycle shorter than 12 weeks, and I would recommend test C or E. If you really want to run a blend, do your own homework on when to start PCT. I would also add HCG. What are you using for an AI?

Have you read the First Cycle stickie or any other first cycle posts? Try the search bar.
I know to start PCT 21-30 days after last pin. (accidently wrote 2 weeks in op as a typo. I just edited it)

The pins end in week 10. theres still at least another 2 weeks after the last pin that the androgen is still within your system and providing anabolic properties.

I am not running any Aromatase inhibitor (AI), is this a huge problem? I didn't think it would be.

And for HCG I really don't think that is necessary, not for such a light cycle as just sust250. I know it can never hurt, but I really don't think its necessary.

You didn't really answer my questions you just said yes any chance I can get a more elaborate response?

Um, ok, I guess I have nothing better to do, let's see

Yes, you should run Clomid
Yes, It will help you recover faster
Yes, it is really necessary for a 10 week cycle

Is that better?

Sust is a blend, you need to look at the half like of the longest ester to figure out when to start PCT. For test E or C it's about 2-3 weeks, I'm not sure off the top of my head what it is for Sustanon (sust), but 3+ sounds about right. I'm not going to look it up for you, but maybe some one else will post it. It can take 4 to 6 weeks for serum levels to peak, so stopping after only 10 weeks will limit how much you will benefit, but really has no effect on getting shut down or other side effects, so you really should go to 12 weeks. You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I prefer adex. I recommend HCG but it's not necessary. Why are you asking questions and then arguing with the answers? If you don't feel an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or HCG are needed, then don't ask for input.

All of this has been covered a million times before, read the First Cycle stickie, and go through some old posts. Try the search box at the top of the page.