Sustanon, Deca Durabolin & Dianabol Cycle


New member
Hi guys, just looking for some advice
Weight 168lbs
Height 5'9"
Age 20
Been training for about two years now. Five days a week working out individual body parts each day and about 60min of cardio a week.
Already ran a cycle of sust 250 for 12wks and gained some weight but lost some of it due to lack of appropiate pct
Im looking to gain 15lbs to 20lbs of muscle mass
I've heard about running a cycle of Sust, Deca & Dianabol to reach my goal.
I wanna know about the proper dosage and pct.
If someone could help me out with this it will be much appreciated
Welcome to ology. Read this thread and alll its links:

You are really to young to be using AAS. Your not done physically growing and your endocrine system is still develpling. 25 is the age recomended.

At 5 9 168 you have plenty of room for growth naturally. Learning how to diet and train properly is what you should focus on. AAS is a small part in your success without the proper knowledge on dieting how do plan on gaining and maintaing those gains?

Did you get blood work before, during and after you cycle?
also you've only been training to two years, from 18-20. If you can't make MASSIVE gains from diet and simply training more there's something wrong. Steroids are for people that have great diets that have trained for years and then need an edge after so long.