Sustanon/Tren gains


Gettin Swole
Im in week 5 of a 10 week cycle and I have gained 27lbs. From 285lbs to 312. ITs Amazing!!!!!!!!! I just started the Tren last week so it has not really had time to take effect yet. Do you guys think I will gain any more weight or just harden up from the tren?

I am on

750mg of Sustanon (sust) a week for 1st four weeks
500mg of Sustanon (sust) a week for weeks 4-10

75mg of Tren eod for 6 weeks starting at week 5
Swoleburn said:
Im in week 5 of a 10 week cycle and I have gained 27lbs. From 285lbs to 312. ITs Amazing!!!!!!!!! I just started the Tren last week so it has not really had time to take effect yet. Do you guys think I will gain any more weight or just harden up from the tren?

I am on

750mg of Sustanon (sust) a week for 1st four weeks
500mg of Sustanon (sust) a week for weeks 4-10

75mg of Tren eod for 6 weeks starting at week 5

WOW those are some sweet gains. What kind of sus are you using and what kind of Tren you on..Homebrew?
That really depends on your diet. Anyway, at a given diet, you will definitely keep on bulking: susta 500mg/week and tren 75mg/eod is still a good mass cycle:)