Switch To A Healthier Lifestyle

Lindsay IMT Staff

New member
If losing weight were easy, no one would be overweight. Unfortunately, the facts are indisputable: A chili-cheese omelet is more delicious than an egg-white omelet, French fries taste better than side salads and chicken is yummier when battered and fried. On the other hand, being a healthy weight feels better than being overweight. A healthy weight is a lot easier to accomplish when the right choices become second nature. In other words, weight-loss goals are more achievable when healthy choices turn into healthy habits. QUICK FIXES The switch to a healthier lifestyle isn't all about profound changes. A few small fixes that can help lower the number on the scale. DON'T EAT IN FRONT OF THE TV Having meals and snacks in front of the TV usually turns into mindless calorie consumption -- eating not because you're hungry but simply because the food is there. You'll find it easier to lose weight and keep...

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