Syrus new pics

Whaz up guys, have a little question about the bottles.
The stuff i gets from my guy there is a germain flag on every bottle and the pic i have seen on internet there are no germain flag at all, so i'm wondering if the bottles i have are real or fake, because i both 1 month ago a 10 ml of deca from syrus and on the bottle it was written 20 ml and on the bottle it has a germain flag on it, i also received a bottle of test e and i did not really see a big difference after 1 month of training i was actully taking 1cc of deca with 2cc of test e for one month and it did not really work out for me and now i'm taking the test suspension from syrus and it's been 3 weeks and i don't really see a difference so before i get some other stuff from my guy i'm wondering if the stuff i get from my supplier is real or is fake so please help me because i did spend a lot of money in this cycle and i d'ont no if i'm getting robbed? Help me!!!!!! thx a lot, and i'm sorry for my english, as u can see english is not my first language!!
test .E from syrus labs Real or fake!!!!!

Sorry for the quality of the picture but this is one bottle of test.e 10ml with the german fag on it !!
Real or fake!!!!!
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Guys, I had to go and edit a whole bunch of posts in this thread. Remember the rules of the board. Maybe go read them again to refresh your memories of what is and what is not allowed here on the open board.
those testen200's are real those are the newest labels for the syrus test products

BigAndy69 said:
Here are some pictures some of the newer products, collected from a few Canadian boards.

Tren, nolva, propecia, boldenone prop, and propadex

I have never seen a cheasier looking product. It looks like its been made by a 5 year old girl on crack! If these people can't even make a professional label, how the fuck are they going to put in real steroids?

A couple of idiots at my gym had to go to the hospital when they used this line. My advice, use your first impression and stay away from this garbage.
They told me that it was cheap. Well, you get what you pay for!
I have never seen a cheasier looking product. It looks like its been made by a 5 year old girl on crack! If these people can't even make a professional label, how the fuck are they going to put in real steroids?

A couple of idiots at my gym had to go to the hospital when they used this line. My advice, use your first impression and stay away from this garbage.
They told me that it was cheap. Well, you get what you pay for!
Damn, you got tonnes of guys using nu pharm in the hospital, then tonnes of guys in the hospital using Fusion. Whats that like 10 people? Let me guess, you rubbed nu pharms multi coloured pro labels on the infected injection sites and healed them?
Dude, you clearly have an agenda and the bros here are smart enough to see through it.
Nu pharm was great a few years ago, and to be honest I heavn't heard bad stuff about them. I have also not heard bad stuff about Syrius (except crashing and lumping a bit) and I hear great stuff about Fusion. I am using all fusion now and love it, but that's just me ( and a few guys with some nice BBing trophies).
Bros, ask around. Canada seems to have some great labs, try 'em out. Like stated, it is nice to see tabs instead of caps too, that realy surprised me with Fusions. I've never using nu pharm orals, but did use their test E years ago. It ws fine. Do they make tabs yet? Not trying to flamme ya, it just sounds like you are sellin nu pharm and doing it the wrong way.
Hello, fellas I'm new to the site and read the rules fast I'm in the process of putting a stack togeather right now....Good source Just cash is tight had to take a few months of work...Plus In injured my back is strained the tissue between the 4 &5th..So the past I'd say 3 months right smack dab at the end of a very expencive cycle I had this problem...I should not complain about the cash why bitch if it's your choice to go on a run...Im not new to the game some of thge gear was under was bump thats were the bitching comes from...Now I have a new on top notch just waiting for my last 2 bolltes...I've started tranning again 3 times so far no back pain untill I decided to start with decline bench basic warm up 1 plate per side...But the Domp Ass I am it pulls the spine fuck first thing 2moro I see my sports chiroparactor...Hell most likley give me a shot in the head, but he right...and for a men whom took 2.5 3 months off the gym I did a shit load of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 20.000 u.i. over a 5 week peroid so my new startingb point is 227 13.5% D/B...alll that rest I can tell you I was strong...but I have 2 take it easy and stay away from a lot of Lifts the can be done and safe on certin machines...OK, wellthe org. Post is one my products all be running ....This is my run....fuck 12 weeks 2-6mos then a lean down stack to start off 750mg& 625mg EW..same day 100mg prop. 30mg Anavar 100mg Tren Ac, 500mg primo 250mg split...for the first five weeks this way I can tell if the Deca& Enth are what they are!!!!All the restb 5 can tell right with in then first week...And for the fellas out thier that can follow me on this will understand right away...I'm no doctor, nor do I cxlaim to be a expert, I just knbow my body and how it respondes 2 certin gear!!! Thats all And if all goes well the Deca and Enth will be hitting the 1000s at a level that I feel I will benifit from...This is not an exact science 4 some maybe, But U have to know your BODY, and then it becomes an exact science for that person.....So All have to be CALM and listen to my sports Dr....Im thinkink all be good to go on the 15 All reway chech my B.m.I which is bull shit 2 ...well lets not get into that one, but I just wanted to say HI and I love to Lift and push my body 2 look great...From..Hard_Core33

This is hard on the eyes.. especially your 'hard core' flowers

fusion did little for me but my brother had great gains off of it im runnin nu pharm right now with massive strength and size gains .... fusion dbol id say is gtg but the deca was pure garbage for me and yes im from the hammer just like you and im not selling anyones product

This is hard on the eyes.. especially your 'hard core' flowers


OK gREEN HEAD....I was just asking for some good advice not B/S....
that's all u are dude .......And Like I said in my last post I like
my flowers.....Hard_Core33/ Flowers....Well it's over that green head of your's ....

Best wishes and regards
OK gREEN HEAD....I was just asking for some good advice not B/S....
that's all u are dude .......And Like I said in my last post I like
my flowers.....Hard_Core33/ Flowers....Well it's over that green head of your's ....

Best wishes and regards
lol.. nice
Help Time 2 Go On A Run But Need Some Advice Please

Ok DM@C so u dont like my flowers, but you did not give me much advice...What's with the green head?...Well I put my stack together. And a little feed back would be nice..All try and make it so a 4th grader can read it ok DM@C......

Mostly syrus....some Shering....
Cyadapex 900 mg week split 2 per week with
Deca 750 mg .......So half 450 cyp 375 deca.. Easy to follow so far?
Enth 250 mg once per week ?
Prop 100 mg ED 4 20 days, stright then EOD
D-Bol Rus 30 mg ED 2 lead in..
Tren acc 150 mg EOD week 4
Anavar 30 mg ED week 4,3 times per day Am, Pm, Nt..
Clen 3 weeks on 3 off
Lasics To be determend 80 /120mg
HCG 500 ui every 4/5 day never tried be for but heard good feed back..Any Feed back on this method?

P.s. Bro's Im just looking 4 some sound advice been through a lot of Sh*t, made it back my gear looks good my back is felling strong just waiting 4 blood test....

P.S.S I like my Fu#&in flowers...

My fello bro's I'm pumped and want to blood test will be here on Friday...going to postpone going to run some Clen T-3 for 25 days...But I want to start in two weeks, into my clen run with shering primo one per day....And u can see the rest Thank you H/C33:baby: