t and growth or t, decca and dbol?


New member
Opinions on cycle would b appreciated
Thinking of running either growth w test, or Decca, dbol and test
Would greatly appreciate dosages, along w opinions,
Just completed a 14 week, test 500mg a week, dbol 50mg a day for the first 8 weeks, and anavar 75mg a day, will b starting Clomid for 1 mnth at 50 mg a day, then.taking a break till next year, planning on purchasing entire cycle and starting on the first, now reason for the dosaging questions, one I've read plenty bout ppl taking higher dosages than what I am used to, I see very good gains,usually gain rnd 20-30lbs but wonder if I upped dosages, how much more gains would I see, would it be worth it? would higher doses burn more fat? experienced info would be preferd, thx in advance.
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Whats your goals for the next cycle? Just visible gains? If so, WITHOUT A DOUBT, test/deca/dbol. Growth can be beneficial but you need to run it for at least 6 months which is $$$$$.
Whats your goals for the next cycle? Just visible gains? If so, WITHOUT A DOUBT, test/deca/dbol. Growth can be beneficial but you need to run it for at least 6 months which is $$$$$.
Well, I've dropped over 200lbs, so im at a point where I need to burn fat still, but the muscle gains are extremely beneficial as well, I do know that growth and test would be the cleanest choice, but the other choice has been proven manytimes of course, my main concern is the dosages of each choice and upon making a decision knowing what it is I need to obtain.