Take a look at my diet 4 my 1sr cycle! Thanks


Pacific Beach Leader
Im about to start my first cycle Sust/EQ (500/400mg 10wks)
Current stats: 1,78cm / 70kg / 10% BF
Goals: Gain mass - quality mass - try to decrease or keep bodyfat

Working out 5-6x week, cardio (swim or bike 3x week)

I developed this diet, its around 300g carb, 300g prot, 3200kcal
Im also using NO-Xplode (have to finish bottle), Fish oil, Multivitamins

What do u guys think about? Good? Around 4g/lb of protein..

Obs: I like to mix casein and whey to have a good time release protein intake.
think its very important in the morning (after 8hours without nutrients) and b4 sleep (as long whey is quickly absorved by your body, you need a slow source of protein for 8hour sleep)

THANKS!!! :devil2:

Meal 1:
1 Cup Oat Meal
1 Scoop Whey Protein
1 Scoop Casein
50g Prot / 50 carb

Meal 2
2 slices of whole bread
3 slices of turkey
44g prot / 55g carb

Meal 3
2 Chicken Breast or 2 cans of tuna
Brown Rice or Whole Pasta or tortilla
Green Veggies
50g prot/ 54g carb

Meal 4
1 banana
1 scoop Casein
25g prot / 35g carb

Meal 5
Green Veggies
1 cans of tuna
whole pasta OR brown rice OR tortilla
25g prot / 54g carb

Meal 6
1 scoop Casein
1 scoop Whey
50g prot

PWO meal
2 scoops whey protein
60g dextrose
50g prot / 60g carb
1. What is your maintenance level of calories and by how much are you go over this to gain?

2. Where does your workout usually fall into that schedule? Is your PWO your last meal?

3. I would add come EFAs into the mix. Something like flax seed oil, olive oil, fish oil, etc.
Aboot thanks for your answer. My maintenance level of calories is around 2800kcal. Im eating 3200.

Usually i workout around 10am between meal 2 and 3, so my PWO comes in middle as well!

And today i bought Fish oil. They suggests 3 caps (1000mg each) a day, is this enough while juicing?

Im on the 2nd week, when I look at the mirror i can see some results, but im bloating so bad... no more six pack!! Im not hungry all the time.. im starving... fuckn EQ makes me eat 24hours a day.

Should I do cardio everyday?????

Thanks dude i apprecciate your help!
brazilian said:
Aboot thanks for your answer. My maintenance level of calories is around 2800kcal. Im eating 3200.

Sounds good. If you don't notice much in terms of weight gain definitely feel free to bump that up a bit.

brazilian said:
And today i bought Fish oil. They suggests 3 caps (1000mg each) a day, is this enough while juicing?

I would recommend a few tablespoons per day actually. 3 caps simply wouldn't have that much of an effect.

brazilian said:
Should I do cardio everyday?????

What is your goal for the cycle? Adding mass? Leaning up?
As you see Im 150lbs (when i started the cycle) and 5-10, 10%. So i need to gain mass but im really worried about keep or decrease my BF since i was 168 and 22%BF 2 months ago. Was hard to get down into 10% and i really want to keep that level!!

Im adding creatine today, and when u said few tablespoons of fish oil, how much it means in mg?

thanks a lot
At 5'10", 150lbs, I wouldn't be using any gear if I were you. You should train naturally for a few more years. But...if you've already started, try to get as much out of it as possible. The cals are a little low, I would try to get in another 50g of protein and add in 2 servings of oats to your PWO meal.
JT190 said:
and add in 2 servings of oats to your PWO meal.

im already using dextrose in my PWO meal. Should I use dextrose AND oats? It consists 110g of carb PWO. Sounds too much!!!
brazilian said:
im already using dextrose in my PWO meal. Should I use dextrose AND oats? It consists 110g of carb PWO. Sounds too much!!!

No, it's not too much. A 2:1 ratio is good 100g carbs-50g whey. Plus you'll be getting high and low glycemic carbs pwo which is good.
Thanks for helping me, dude. Im really worried about the bloating.. 2 weeks ON and im bloating already.. even in my face!!!

Do you think if I start creatine ill bloat more? what should i do?

I have nolva in my hands but i not using now..
Click on the word liquidex I just typed and order it from the website. Run it at .5mg ED, that should keep the bloat down. On second though, maybe start out at .5mg every other day,a dn if that doesn't work well, bump it up to ED.
I see no eggs in your diet. Is this because you don't like them? They are a good source of protien and fat and the prot/fat ratio is easily adjusted by removing yolks. This could also help boost your calories very simply.
it depends what source of prot/carb you intake. also i drink juice and iced tea around the day so i think its ok...

my main concern now is the fuckn bloat.. im looking like a pokemon :evil: