Tapering Adex Questions??????


New member
Just did my second cycle (test only). On cycle I was at 600mg/wk. I was taking .25mg EOD of Adex.

I'm off cycle now and down to my normal 280mg/wk TRT dose. I dropped a week ago. At what point do I drop the Adex? I don't need it when I'm at 280mg/wk. Do I drop it now or in a couple of weeks because my T levels will remain high till then?

Just did my second cycle (test only). On cycle I was at 600mg/wk. I was taking .25mg EOD of Adex.

I'm off cycle now and down to my normal 280mg/wk TRT dose. I dropped a week ago. At what point do I drop the Adex? I don't need it when I'm at 280mg/wk. Do I drop it now or in a couple of weeks because my T levels will remain high till then?


Depends on the half life of the ester you used. You could probabably reduce use and stop the following week. Watch your e2.