TB-500 help?


Performance Trainer.
I Just ordered TB-500. I was wondering do you use a insulin needle or a steroid needle to inject this? is it intramusclular or not?
slin pin buddy, in saying that it best to inject close to the injury as possible. depends were the issue is i guess.
Injury, or no injury, I think slin pin, subcutaneous to the abs would be fine. (I am 3 and 1/2 weeks into using this peptide, myself).
Slin pin bro. Im or subq is fine. It has a systematic effect but injected im close to the injury may bring a little more benefit. If you need help setting up a protocol, let me know.
does pinning close to the injury make much difference?

I've got a dodgy rotator cuff, not sure how I'd pin that!
Looking to get some TB500 for 1 really f'd shoulder, and another on the way. Where's the best place/ for the money to pick up this peptide? I was looking at RUI 2mg. Now is that 2mg/ml - 10ml bottle. Or just plan 2mg???
Looking to get some TB500 for 1 really f'd shoulder, and another on the way. Where's the best place/ for the money to pick up this peptide? I was looking at RUI 2mg. Now is that 2mg/ml - 10ml bottle. Or just plan 2mg???

we have very good tb500 at labpe backed with ms hplc testing. check us out: www.Labpe.com|High Performance|Research Chemicals|Peptides

To answer your question, all peptides come in a vial with the peptide as a powder to put it simply. you will have to use bac water to reconstitute the peptide after which you will be able to inject the peptide. the mg/ml will depend on how much bac water you use to recon.
Ah back in science class! What kind of ratio bac water/peptide are you supposed to use? New to the pep game... So obviously I'm clueless.
Looking to get some TB500 for 1 really f'd shoulder, and another on the way. Where's the best place/ for the money to pick up this peptide? I was looking at RUI 2mg. Now is that 2mg/ml - 10ml bottle. Or just plan 2mg???

I would rec RUI all the way!
because I know they are good quality and have been around for many years without issues and I myself have used them for about 6 yrs now.

what your asking at the end doesnt make sence
ML is VOLUME, 1ml could be anything because there is no dosing, it is not a dose.
if you have say somthing that is 30mg/ml then every 1ml=30mg but the same thing could be 15mg/ml so it depends on the compound, not the amount of liquid.
but with the peptides it doesnt HAVE ANY liquid mixed with it yet. it is 2mg.

Hope that helps a bit!
PS. i HIGHLY recy RUI's IGF1LR3 and IGF1Des! ;-)

you can chose to add 10ml to 2mg - 5ml=1mg .
But I think thats way to much I only add myself 0.5ml-2ml to my peptides. depending on what ever makes dosing easy for me.
Ah back in science class! What kind of ratio bac water/peptide are you supposed to use? New to the pep game... So obviously I'm clueless.

It depends on what ever makes dosing/math easy for you. I would rec around the 1ml mark but could be more.

Here is a thing I made on peptides you might find interesting, I dont have TB500 in there but there is alot about peps and since you are new to this I am sure there will be something of value in there for you.
LINK--> http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...practical-use-surrounding-them-must-read.html
Ohh I should mention RUI also sends a free steril empty 10ml vial for each pep and solution with peptide orders.
So its cool I dont have to hassle with extra orders or anything if I feel I want to add more than 2ml.
Ohh I should mention RUI also sends a free steril empty 10ml vial for each pep and solution with peptide orders.
So its cool I dont have to hassle with extra orders or anything if I feel I want to add more than 2ml.

What about Sterle water? can you use that instead of BAC? What would happen if I use regular sink water?
I'd be interested in seeing that myself. I've been using the 2mg vials for the once a week 6-week loading phase and the once-a-month maintenance dose. (I have tennis elbow; and thank god its currently not a problem). 2mg is at the low end of the usage spectrum. But I have seen/heard of people using 5mg (even 10mg!); I thought that the 5mgs literally were for large horses.